Practice Areas
Olivier Vermeulen is Office Chair of the Paris office of Paul Hastings and head of the Global Finance department. With a focus in banking and finance, he has extensive experience in leveraged financing (senior, second lien, mezzanine, unirate/unitranche, and SSRCF/high-yield financings), fund financing (EBF and capital call facilities), structured finance (securitization), debt negotiations, and Islamic finance.
Mr. Vermeulen advises both sponsors and borrowers (private equity and infrastructure funds as well as large corporate funds) as well as financial institutions (senior/mezzanine lenders and debt funds).
His strengths in innovation are very clearly demonstrated through the creation of a new product for the French bank finance market in the form of the equity bridge finance facility for European funds.
Mr. Vermeulen joined the firm from another law firm where he was head of the Finance practice. Prior to that, he worked for two other international law firms as counsel and part of the finance team.