Ranked in 1 Practice Areas

Band 5



11 Years Ranked


Provided by Piergiorgio Valente


Practice Areas

Over the course of his career spanning more than 30 years, he has acquired extensive and specialized knowledge in international and domestic taxation, tax litigation and dispute resolution, tax policy, corporate and tax governance management in multinational groups.


Author of 14 volumes:

- “Transfer Pricing Manual”, IV Ed., Wolters Kluwer, 2018 “International Tax and Tax Policy”, 2018

- “Casi e Materiali di Diritto Tributario Internazionale”, 2018

- “Manuale di Politica Fiscale dell’Unione Europea (PFUE) e degli Organismi Sovranazionali”, 2017

- “Casi e Materiali di Politica Fiscale dell’Unione Europea (PFUE) e degli Organismi Sovranazionali”, 2017

- ‘‘International Tax Treaties”, VII Ed., Wolters Kluwer, 2016

- “International Tax Avoidance”, III Ed., Wolters Kluwer, 2014

- “Residence in International Tax Law”, Wolters Kluwer, 2013

- “San Marino. Taxation of International Tax Treaties”, Wolters Kluwer, 2012

- ‘‘Tax Governance Manual”, Wolters Kluwer, 2011

- “Supranational Taxation”,III Ed., il Sole-24 Ore, 2008

- ‘‘The Digital Continent”, il Sole-24 Ore, 2002

- ‘‘The Invisible Enterprise”, il Sole-24 Ore, 2001

- “CFC - Controlled Foreign Companies”, il Sole-24 Ore, 2001

Co-author of 30 volumes (some titles are listed below):

- “Gaming and Criminal Tax Law”, Eurilink University Press, 2020

- “Deemed Residence and Related Tax Issues”, Wolters Kluwer, 2020

- “Expatriates and Related Labour and Tax Issues”, Wolters Kluwer, 2019

- “International Consultancy: Methods and Risks”, Wolters Kluwer, 2019

- “Tax Evasion and Anti-Tax Evasion”, Eurilink University Press, 2018

- “Tax Evasion and Criminal Tax”, Eurilink University Press, 2018

- “Mutual Agreement Procedure (MAP)”, Wolters Kluwer, 2018

- “Undisclosed Permanent Establishment”, Wolters Kluwer, 2018

- “Handbook of EU and Supranational Tax Policy”, Eurilink University Press, 2018

- “International Tax and Financial Planning”, Wolters Kluwer, 2017

- “Tax Governance and Tax Risk Management”, Wolters Kluwer, 2017

- “Advance Pricing Agreements and Tax Compliance”, Wolters Kluwer, 2017

- “GeoTax Policy. Janus Dilemma between Territorial Borders and the Digital Continent”, Eurilink University Press, 2018

- “Anti-Money Laundering and Criminal Tax”, Eurilink University Press, 2017

- “Manual of EU and Supranational Tax Policy”, Eurilink University Press, 2017

- “Patent Box and Intangibles”, Wolters Kluwer, 2017

- “Tax Issues of Outbound Investments”, Wolters Kluwer, 2016

- “International Taxation of Independent Workers”, Wolters Kluwer, 2016

- “Beneficial Owner and Treaty Shopping”, Wolters Kluwer, 2016

- “Tax Residence of Individuals”, Wolters Kluwer, 2016

- “Tax Audits for International Activities”, Wolters Kluwer, 2015

- “Tax Implications of International Ventures”, Wolters Kluwer, 2015

- “Taxation of the Digital Economy”, Wolters Kluwer, 2015

- “Trademarks, Patents, Know-how”, Wolters Kluwer, 2014

- “Company Migration and Transfer of Seat”, Wolters Kluwer, 2014

Over 500 articles published:

(i.e., Bulletin for International Taxation, European Taxation, EC Tax Review, Intertax, Tax Notes International, International Tax Review, Tax Planning International Review, Journal of International Taxation, International Financial Law Review, Tax News International, Financial Times World Report; Rivista di Diritto Tributario Internazionale (La Sapienza University), Strumenti finanziari e fiscalità (Bocconi University), Corriere Tributario, Bollettino Tributario, Commercio Internazionale, Fiscalità Internazionale, Rivista di Diritto Tributario, Amministrazione & Finanza, Press, il Sole-24 Ore, etc.)

Languages Spoken

Italian, English, French

Work Highlights

- Chairman of the GTAP Global Tax Advisers Platform [2019-present]

- Chairman of the Tax Technology Committee of the CFE Tax Advisers Europe (Confédération Fiscale Européenne) and Board Member [2023-2024]

- President of the International Tax Policy and Institutional Relations Committee of CNDCEC (Dottori Commercialisti) [2023-present]

- Member of the Ministerial Commission of Experts on International Taxation for the Implementation of the Italian Tax Reform (DM 99/2023)[2023-present]

- Member of the Business at OECD (BIAC) Committee on Taxation and Fiscal Policy [2018-present]

- Italian Representative of Confindustria at the Tax Policy Working Group of BUSINESSEUROPE [1997-present]

- Board Member of the Lombardy Chamber of the National Association of Italian Tax Advisors (ANTI) [2015-present]

- Member of the Global Tax Controversy (GTC) Team [2019-present]

- Member of the Advisory Council of the Italian CFO Association (ANDAF) [2023-present]

- CFE Representative to the Platform for Tax Good Governance, Aggressive Tax Planning and Double Taxation of the European Commission [2013-2016; 2016-2019; 2020-2024]

- Advisor to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of San Marino [2013-present]

- Advisor to the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of San Marino for International Tax Policies [2020-present]

- Advisor to the Ministry of Industry and Commerce of the Republic of San Marino [2023-present]

- Advisor to the Asia Oceania Tax Consultants’ Association (AOTCA) [2019-present]

- Professor of International and EU Tax Law as well as Tax and Financial Planning and Transfer Pricing at the Link Campus University in Rome [2006-present]

- Adjunct Professor of Taxation of Multinational Enterprises at the Faculty of Political Studies and for the Superior European and Mediterranean Education “Jean Monnet” of the University “Luigi Vanvitelli” in Naples [2004-2022]

Chambers Review

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Tax - Italy

Band 5
Individual Editorial
Piergiorgio Valente of Valente Associati GEB Partners has extensive experience in tax audits, litigation and transfer pricing matters. His client roster includes food and beverage entities and fashion groups, as well as national tax authorities.

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Piergiorgio Valente
Piergiorgio Valente
Band 5