Founder of ARÉNAIRE law firm, Pierre Massot has been advising and defending large companies, public institutions, innovative SMEs and creators in intellectual property law for over 20 years.
He advises on all aspects of intellectual property, including litigation and contracts.
Pierre Massot acts for major players in the fashion, luxury, design, furniture and decoration sectors as well as in the fields of architecture, culture and communication. He also has strong expertise in the pharmaceutical, food and beverage and automotive industry.
Books :
- L'objet et les conditions de fond de la protection du droit des dessins et modèles - les interrogations du droit positif, Actes du Colloque « Le règlement sur les dessins et modèles communautaires 20 ans après, Bilans et perspectives », 2024.
- Marchandises en transit : du règlement douanier à la proposition législative sur les marques en Europe, Actes du colloque annuel de l’IRPI « Douanes et lutte contre la contrefaçon », 2015.
- Le guide du Droit du Design, DUNOD, 2015 (co-written with Isabelle MANDEL and Tamara BOOTHERSTONE).
- Les Sanctions de la Contrefaçon, Cahiers de l'IRPI, Institut de Recherche en Propriété Intellectuelle de la Chambre de Commerce et d'Industrie de Paris, 117 p., 2005.
Articles :
- Co-author of the Chronique Dessins et Modèles, Revue Propriétés Intellectuelles, 2016-today.
- For a clarification of the concept of similarity - Critical review of European case-law regarding infringement of a mark with reputation, co-written with Louis LOUEMBÉ et Mythili THAYA, Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice, 2021.
- Manifeste pour une meilleure protection du design en Europe, co-written with Faustine CHAUDON, Revue Propriétés Intellectuelles, 2021.
- Author of the articles « EU General Court ruling opens—partially—the door to the protection of the famous ‘Damier Azur’ of Louis Vuitton » and « OFF-WHITE wins trade mark protection » in « Current Intelligence » section of Oxford’s Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice, 2020.
- Co-author of fascicule du Jurisclasseur, Les douanes et la contrefaçon – Les pouvoirs des douanes en matière de lutte contre la contrefaçon et les procédures engagées à la suite de l’intervention des douanes, co-written with Thibault LENTINI, 2019.
- Arrêt Rubik’s Cube : le casse-tête du problème et de sa solution technique, co-written with Caroline LE GOFFIC and Arnaud FOLLIARD-MONGUIRAL, revue Propriété Industrielle, janvier 2017.
- Les retenues en douanes : un régime parvenu à maturité ?, co-written with Thibault LENTINI, Revue Europe, novembre 2016.
- À quand la fin de la famine des livres ?, co-written with Faustine CHAUDON, Vanessa GODIER, Marine DIZOL, et Louis LOUEMBÉ, IRPI, mai 2015.
- Quelle protection pour le « smiley » ?, co-written with Caroline Le Goffic, janvier 2014.
- Focus sur la force probante des pages Web archivées par Internet Archive, Revue Propriétés Intellectuelles, juillet 2013.
- La difficile gestion des créations salariées dans l’entreprise, IRPI, 2012.
Business-oriented and deeply attached to human values, Pierre created the Arénaire firm dedicated to intellectual property and built a strong mixed team whose ambition is to help creators and companies defend their innovations.
Guided by his passion for getting things done, he puts all his energy into finding and imagining pragmatic solutions to enhance the value of his clients' creations and defend them in court, when necessary.
A willing optimist, his leitmotiv is to do every little thing on a daily basis that can help his team, his clients and all those around him move forward.
On a personal level, he is a Burgundian, a Breton at heart, a fervent European, an unconditional fan of Hobie Cat 16s and alpine powder snow, a lover of nature, a lover of literature, poetry and electric guitar, curious about everything, a lover of offbeat humour and joie de vivre!