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Band 4
Band 5
Provided by Pit Reckinger
Corporate, mergers & acquisitions
Banking and financial services
Insurance and reinsurance
Regulatory and compliance
Foundation, non-profit organisations and philanthropy
Real estate / Acquisition structuring
Private wealth & estate planning
Pit Reckinger advises banks, insurance companies, corporations and entrepreneurs on corporate and regulatory transactions as well as on a continuous basis on corporate housekeeping and compliance matters. His areas of expertise focus specifically on regulatory and corporate law, mergers and acquisitions, licensing and regulatory approvals, bank secrecy, aspects of anti-money laundering and compliance issues. Pit in addition has specific expertise in the private wealth sector as well as in the philanthropic sector and advises families and entrepreneurs, foundations, shareholder foundations and other actors in the non-profit sector.
Pit published contributions in banking law, inter alia, in the areas of banking regulation, shadow banking, bank confidentiality and money laundering as well as company law. He regularly participates in conferences on subjects related to banking law, company law as well as the philanthropic sector.
Chairman of the Ordre des Avocats du Barreau de Luxembourg (Luxembourg Bar Association).
Former Chairman of the Commission droit économique of the Luxembourg Bar.
Former Co-Chair of the Securities Law Committee and current member of the Securities Law Committee Advisory Board of the IBA (International Bar Association).
Member and former Vice Chairman of the National Committee of the AEDBF Luxembourg (Association Européenne pour le Droit Bancaire et Financier).
Lecturer on the EU Passport at the University of Luxembourg.
Chairman of André Losch Fondation and Fondation André et Henriette Losch.
Member of the Luxembourg Bar since 1990.
Le régime de la S.À R.L. sous l'influence de la S.A.
Inducements: the Luxembourg perspective from MiFID I to MiFID II
Dans l’ombre des banques
Banking Regulation 2013 - Luxembourg
Securities Finance 2011 - Luxembourg
Chairman of the Board of Trustees of André Losch, Fondation.
Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Fondation André et Henriette Losch.
Provided by Chambers
Provided by Chambers
When you have Pit Reckinger in front of you, you are always able to find a solution.
Pit Reckinger is extremely sharp from a legal perspective. He always has the most accurate legal perspective and is able to translate legal sharpness into a business approach.
We have an excellent relationship with Pit Reckinger and appreciate his expertise.
When you have Pit Reckinger in front of you, you are always able to find a solution.
Pit Reckinger is extremely sharp from a legal perspective. He always has the most accurate legal perspective and is able to translate legal sharpness into a business approach.
We have an excellent relationship with Pit Reckinger and appreciate his expertise.