Rafael Goulart
Brazil Guide 2024
Up and Coming : Tax: Litigation
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Up and Coming
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Provided by Rafael Goulart
Brazil: Contentious
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Rafael is a counsel with more than 14 years of experience, who heads the firm's Tax Law practice. His understanding of federal taxes, such as ICMS, and municipal taxes, such as ISS and IPTU, make him stand out in this sector. He is frequently seen working for an interesting array of clients, particularly those in the retail and services sectors.
Before founding Abreu Goulart, he worked at Bichara Advogados, Lobo & Ibeas Advogados and BMA. He has an LLB from the Candido Mendes University of Rio de Janeiro – UCAM (2007), and also a specialisation in Tax and Financial Law from the Fluminense Federal University (Rio de Janeiro) – UFF (2012).
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