Practice Areas
Russell is a Barrister and partner at PHP Law. He has considerable expertise in the fields of education, employment and public law having been called to the Bar in 2008.
He has a passion for all aspects of education law. In addition to his legal experience he was a Governor of a Further Education College for 4 years with special responsibility for safeguarding. He has been an elected Councillor since 2007 and served for several years and was chair of the education committee. He was a member of task groups reviewing the education of looked after children and special educational needs. In 2019 he became the Cabinet Member responsible for education and skills.
Russell has extensive experience in relation to multi academy trusts. He led the legal team involved in the re-brokerage of a multi academy trust which was in difficulty. This involved directly advising on and managing the process in relation to TUPE, transfer agreements, property issues, corporate governance issues and several employment issues. His successful work in this area subsequently led to instructions on other difficult re-brokerage situations. He has extensive experience of working with the ESFA on such matters. Russell has also been involved in multiple academy conversions and provided advice in relation to all aspects of in connection with the conversion.
Russell has extensive experience in special educational needs and disability law. He has appeared many times in the First Tier Tribunal, Upper Tribunal and was sole Counsel in an important case in the Court of Appeal about the relationship between the jurisdiction of the Special Educational Needs and Disability Tribunal and school transport. He has experience in respect of refusals to assess and the contents of EHCPs as well as ceasing to maintain EHCPs.
He has provided advice to schools on all aspects of disability discrimination law including school discipline, school trips and complaints as well as appearing in the First Tier Tribunal. Russell has provided numerous training sessions for schools on disability discrimination law particularly in relation to exclusions.
In addition to his education experience, Russell is also the Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner for Wiltshire.