Chambers Review
Provided by Chambers
Chambers Global Guide
International Arbitration - The English Bar - Global Market Leaders
Individual Editorial
Salim Moollan KC operates a busy practice taking in investor-state disputes at a high level as well as straight commercial arbitrations. He also draws on his experience as former chair and vice-chair of UNCITRAL and is a member of numerous other panels. He has particular expertise in energy and telecoms cases. He is considered a go-to counsel for cases involving Mauritian and Singaporean law.
Salim is a genius and a brilliant strategist. He is a true expert in the field of international arbitration.
Salim is at the top of his game. He's very polished, excellent on his feet and extremely adept and diplomatic. Clients and solicitors have the utmost confidence in his abilities.
Salim is brilliant. His knowledge of international arbitration is first-class. His analysis and drafting are superb, and his guidance across all aspects of a case is invaluable.
Salim exhibits customary flair in both his written and oral advocacy, conducts forceful and piercing cross-examination, and is both firm and charming in equal measure when addressing the tribunal.
Salim is an example of a unique blend of charisma, legal drafting prowess and eloquent oral advocacy. His documents are masterfully crafted, and his ability to present his arguments is awe-inspiring.