Brazil: Industries & Sectors
Practice Areas
Simone practices in the areas of administrative law and tax law, with special focus on strategic litigation in educational matters.
She served as director of Regulatory Policy of the Secretariat for Regulation and Supervision of Higher Education and general coordinator of Litigation in the Legal Consultancy, both in the Ministry of Education. Simone is directly responsible for litigation before Brazilian higher courts in educational issues. She is a member of the Comissão Especial de Direito do Terceiro Setor da OAB/SP. In 2023, after 16 years of experience in education, she was appointed by the Minister of Education as a member of recognized expertise in the National Commission for the Evaluation of Higher Education (Conaes). In this role, she has been actively working to contribute to the discussion and improvement of public education policies.
Simone holds a Masters in Tax Law from the University Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne.