Practice Areas
Vail Dispute Resolution ( is an independent disputes practice based in London and led by Tomas Vail.
Tomas is recognised as a leading arbitration practitioner and has represented clients throughout the world, most frequently in Russia and the CIS, Eastern Europe and Africa, conducting disputes under the LCIA, SCC, ICC, ICSID and UNCITRAL rules and related court litigation. He has particular experience of the petroleum, mining and renewables industries, advising on high-value disputes between energy companies and states/state-owned entities.
Tomas’ experience includes advocacy of multi-billion dollar disputes and negotiating settlements at the highest levels of government, on behalf of both states and investors. He also has experience of complex disputes in the construction, telecommunications, financial services, commodities, consumer goods and manufacturing sectors, including joint-venture and post-M&A disputes.
Tomas is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators and is listed on the arbitrator databases of the LCIA, ICC, SCC and SIAC, among others. Tomas has been appointed as arbitrator in over a dozen disputes, including as Sole Arbitrator in an energy dispute involving a state-entity under the SCC Rules (English law). He is fluent in Russian, French and English.