Ranking tables
Banking & Finance | Europe
Rankings overview for Departments
Band 1
Band 2
Senior Statespeople
Band 1
Band 2
Band 3
Band 4
- Børge Grøttjord Advokatfirma DLA Piper12 Years Ranked
- Dag Thomas Hansson CMS Kluge12 Years Ranked
- Hans-Christian Donjem Advokatfirmaet Haavind AS7 Years Ranked
- Ida Marie Windrup BAHR1 Years Ranked
- Per Morten Christiansen Selmer17 Years Ranked
- Petter Thomren Moltu Wiersholm7 Years Ranked
- Stig Strand Advokatfirmaet Simonsen Vogt Wiig1 Years Ranked
- Thomas Dale Advokatfirmaet Schjødt4 Years Ranked
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All Departments profiles
Band 1
1 Advokatfirmaet Thommessen ASBanking & Finance2024 | Band 1 | 18 Years RankedThommessen is a leading law firm in the banking and finance market, assisting clients with the full scope of mandates. The department often represents lenders, including syndicates, in high-value domestic and cross-border matters. Its expertise entails acquisition finance as well as refinancing and restructuring deals. The law firm also enjoys top-tier prowess in DCM transactions, acting for issuers and financial institutions on the listing of bonds and notes. The lawyers additionally offer outstanding knowledge in regulatory topics.1 WiersholmBanking & Finance2024 | Band 1 | 18 Years RankedWiersholm's market-leading banking and finance department is noted for its ability to handle complex and cross-border mandates. The team assists banks and borrowers with bridge, acquisition and corporate finance deals, as well as refinance matters. Wiersholm also has a notable debt capital markets group, regularly acting for issuers on the listing of bonds. The team also advises on updating EMTN programmes.1 Wikborg Rein Advokatfirma ASBanking & Finance2024 | Band 1 | 18 Years RankedWikborg Rein receives acclaim for its banking and finance practice, advising borrowers and lenders on a broad range of mandates. The department is particularly knowledgeable in acquisition and corporate finance deals, as well as refinancing matters. The law firm also exhibits market-leading capabilities in DCM transactions, regularly acting for financial institutions on bond issuances.
Band 2
2 Advokatfirmaet SchjødtBanking & Finance2024 | Band 2 | 18 Years RankedSchjødt is highly regarded for its strength in domestic and cross-border banking and finance mandates, acting for both lenders and borrowers. The department advises on loan agreements relating to acquisition finance, project finance and ship finance mandates, as well as refinancing matters. The law firm also possesses market-leading expertise in DCM transactions, representing issuers, managers and trustees in the issuance of bonds and notes.2 Advokatfirmaet Simonsen Vogt WiigBanking & Finance2024 | Band 2 | 18 Years RankedSimonsen Vogt Wiig has an impressive banking and finance department, frequently acting for lenders on bilateral and syndicated loans. The team handles a broad range of domestic and cross-border finance mandates, with particular expertise in ship finance and project finance. The lawyers also demonstrate expertise in the aviation sector.2 BAHRBanking & Finance2024 | Band 2 | 18 Years RankedBAHR possesses a highly revered banking and finance department that demonstrates particular acumen in refinancing and restructuring mandates. The team is also well versed in acquisition finance deals. The lawyers additionally exhibit impressive expertise in financial services regulatory matters. The law firm also has notable capabilities in EMTN covered bond programmes.
Band 3
3 Arntzen de Besche Advokatfirma ASBanking & Finance2024 | Band 3 | 18 Years RankedThe team at Arntzen de Besche is well regarded for its banking and finance capabilities. The lawyers have notable experience handling syndicated loan facilities, acting for both borrowers and lenders. The law firm additionally assists with DCM mandates involving bond issuances, and is particularly active in transactions involving the oil and gas sector. Its areas of expertise include acquisition finance and corporate finance deals, as well as refinancing matters.3 SelmerBanking & Finance2024 | Band 3 | 18 Years RankedSelmer's banking and finance team advises lenders and borrowers on a range of banking and finance mandates, often in the shipping and real estate sectors. The practice is particularly active in acquisition and LBO finance transactions. It also handles refinancing matters.
Band 4
4 Advokatfirma DLA PiperBanking & Finance2024 | Band 4 | 16 Years RankedDLA Piper's banking and finance department is active on a range of project finance and real estate finance transactions. The team is also experienced in refinancing mandates. The law firm also advises clients on a range of financial regulatory and compliance issues.4 Advokatfirmaet Haavind ASBanking & Finance2024 | Band 4 | 14 Years RankedThe team at Haavind frequently advises on project, acquisition and real estate finance transactions, as well as refinancing mandates. The department is also knowledgeable in regulatory matters, assisting financial institutions with a range of compliance topics.4 CMS KlugeBanking & Finance2024 | Band 4 | 12 Years RankedCMS Kluge represents borrowers and lenders in loan transactions, including syndicated lending. The department has particular experience in real estate, acquisition and corporate finance transactions, often with cross-border elements. The lawyers are also knowledgeable in refinance mandates.