Ranking tables
Commercial Dispute Resolution | UK Bar
Western (Bar)
Rankings overview for Sets
Band 1
- Hugh Sims KCGuildhall Chambers
Band 1
- Charlie Newington-BridgesSt John's Chambers
- James Pearce-SmithSt John's Chambers
- James WibberleyGuildhall Chambers
- Jay JagasiaGuildhall Chambers
- John FH DickinsonSt John's Chambers
- John VirgoGuildhall Chambers
- Neil LevyEnterprise Chambers
- Richard AscroftGuildhall Chambers
Band 2
- Alexander Whatley 3PB Barristers2 Years Ranked
- Natasha Dzameh St John's Chambers6 Years Ranked
- Andrew MarsdenCommercial Chambers
- John ChurchillGuildhall Chambers
- Richard Whitehouse3PB Barristers
- Ross FentemHM Judiciary
- Stefan RamelGuildhall Chambers
All Sets profiles
Band 1
1 Guildhall ChambersCommercial Dispute Resolution2025 | Band 1 | 16 Years RankedGuildhall Chambers is a standout set on the Western Circuit whose barristers possess an extensive body of commercial expertise. Its members receive regular mandates to handle complex commercial litigation, with a strong leaning towards financial services work, professional negligence and fraud-related matters. The set's barristers routinely act in a broad array of contractual disputes, as well as shareholder and insolvency litigation. Members recently acted in Philipp v Barclays Bank PLC, a dispute concerning an authorised push payment fraud, including a recent appeal in the Supreme Court. Instructing solicitors praise the set's "good breadth of talent, all of whom seem able to grasp an enormous amount of detail and retain the bigger picture".
1 St John's ChambersCommercial Dispute Resolution2025 | Band 1 | 16 Years RankedSt John's Chambers is a leading commercial set on the Western Circuit with "very good quality barristers". It is able to handle the full range of commercial matters, including shareholder, partnership and contractual disputes in addition to banking litigation and professional negligence cases. The set is also an excellent choice for commercial and agricultural real estate and chancery work. Members recently acted in Wessex Water Services v ETM Recycling Limited, a £650,000 breach of statutory powers claim under the Water Act 1991.
Rob Bocock and Luke Hodgson are the practice managers.
Band 2
2 Enterprise ChambersCommercial Dispute Resolution2025 | Band 2 | 4 Years RankedEnterprise Chambers is an impressive set noted for its strong commercial disputes practice and its geographic reach throughout the UK. Its Bristol-based commercial barristers are particularly well versed in banking and financial services. Members represent both banks and their customers in cases concerning various matters, such as debt recovery, asset finance, breaches of warranty and FCA rules. Members recently acted for Grenke Leasing in a serious of claims arising out of allegedly fraudulent asset leases for audio-visual equipment supplied to small businesses.
Michael Ireland is the senior clerk.