Ranking tables
Corporate & Finance | Global
Rankings overview for Departments
Band 1
Band 2
- Airut Law Offices 7 Years Ranked
- Chedid Law Offices in association with Dentons 11 Years Ranked
- Soumrani Lawyers & Legal Counsels
Band 3
- AbdelSater AbuSamra & Associates ASAS LAW 8 Years Ranked
- BLK Partners 11 Years Ranked
- El-Aref International Law Office 10 Years Ranked
- HNS Legal 4 Years Ranked
- Abouhamad, Merheb, Nohra, Chamoun, Chedid
Band 4
- Baroudi & Associates 9 Years Ranked
- Levant Law Practice 11 Years Ranked
- Obeid & Partners 4 Years Ranked
- Cortbaoui & Kanaan
- Moghaizel Law Office
- Tohme Law Firm
Senior Statespeople
- Chakib CortbaouiCortbaoui & Kanaan
- Elie ChamounAbouhamad, Merheb, Nohra, Chamoun, Chedid
Band 1
- Carlos Abou Jaoude Abou Jaoude & Associates Law Firm15 Years Ranked
- Chadia El Meouchi Badri and Salim El Meouchi21 Years Ranked
- Elias Chedid Chedid Law Offices in association with Dentons12 Years Ranked
- Souraya Machnouk Abou Jaoude & Associates Law Firm15 Years Ranked
- Randa Abousleiman BaladiAbousleiman & Partners
Band 2
Band 3
- Carine Tohme Tohme Law Firm7 Years Ranked
- Jad Skaff HNS Legal2 Years Ranked
- Joseph Nasrallah HNS Legal2 Years Ranked
- Patrick Soumrani Soumrani Lawyers & Legal Counsels19 Years Ranked
- Rabeh Matar Levant Law Practice17 Years Ranked
- Serge Airut Airut Law Offices6 Years Ranked
- Youssef el Khazen Levant Law Practice15 Years Ranked
- Adel NassarRaphaël & Associés
- Chucri Robert El KhouryEl Khoury & Partners Law Firm
- Fadi MoghaizelMoghaizel Law Office
- Wadih CortbaouiCortbaoui & Kanaan
Band 4
- Ali El Maoula Al Naqbi & Partners (in association with HNS Legal)2 Years Ranked
- Hadi Melki BLK Partners4 Years Ranked
- Serena Ghanimeh AbdelSater AbuSamra & Associates ASAS LAW4 Years Ranked
- Simon El Kai Abou Jaoude & Associates Law Firm12 Years Ranked
- Walid Honein Badri and Salim El Meouchi14 Years Ranked
- Ziad G. El-Khoury BLK Partners13 Years Ranked
- Nassib ChedidAbouhamad, Merheb, Nohra, Chamoun, Chedid
Associates to watch
All Departments profiles
Band 1
1 Abou Jaoude & Associates Law FirmCorporate & Finance2025 | Band 1 | 11 Years RankedAbou Jaoude & Associates maintains a leading position at the forefront of the Lebanese legal market. Its lawyers are often called upon for their expertise in finance and M&A transactions, as well as corporate reorganisations. The team is also eminently capable in regulatory banking work and has a strong track record of acting for big-name clients on a wide variety of cutting-edge matters.
1 Alem & AssociatesCorporate & Finance2025 | Band 1 | 11 Years RankedAlem & Associates is a leading Lebanese law firm which is a regular adviser to banks and financial institutions. The scope of its work ranges from assisting with debt issuances to providing advice on energy assets. Additionally, the firm's lawyers are highly experienced in M&A and corporate restructuring matters.1 Badri and Salim El MeouchiCorporate & Finance2025 | Band 1 | 11 Years RankedBadri and Salim El Meouchi is well established as a market-leading law firm in Lebanon. It is widely recognised for its capabilities in transactional work and is also regularly sought out in connection with foreign investment mandates. Its lawyers often act on behalf of clients in the oil and gas, real estate and transportation sectors, and the firm is frequently turned to by international law firms seeking Lebanese counsel.
Band 2
2 Airut Law OfficesCorporate & Finance2025 | Band 2 | 7 Years RankedAirut Law Offices maintains a compact, well-respected team of lawyers with a considerable depth of experience in finance and M&A. The firm offers additional expertise in litigation matters.
2 Chedid Law Offices in association with DentonsCorporate & Finance2025 | Band 2 | 11 Years RankedDentons maintains an impressive offering in Lebanon via its long-standing association with Chedid Law Offices. This well-regarded law firm is often instructed by high-profile financial institutions to advise on matters as diverse as corporate restructuring, credit facilities and commercial agreements. Its lawyers also provide guidance on an array of commercial regulatory matters in areas such as asset management, technology and pharmaceuticals.
Band 3
3 AbdelSater AbuSamra & Associates ASAS LAWCorporate & Finance2025 | Band 3 | 8 Years RankedAbdelSater AbuSamra & Associates maintains an impressive team of lawyers which acts for a variety of well-known clients on major M&A and finance transactions. The firm also regularly provides guidance on the restructuring of company operations in Lebanon.3 BLK PartnersCorporate & Finance2025 | Band 3 | 11 Years RankedBLK Partners is a solid law firm that possesses significant experience in cross-border matters, particularly those pertaining to Saudi Arabia. The team is regularly instructed on large-scale corporate structuring and commercial contract work. Major clients include financial institutions and tech companies.
3 El-Aref International Law OfficeCorporate & Finance2025 | Band 3 | 10 Years RankedEl-Aref International Law Office counts among its clients several regional and international banks, as well as major energy corporations and tech companies. The firm regularly advises on high-value M&A transactions. It is also frequently mandated on the financing of energy projects located across the Middle East and Africa.
3 HNS LegalCorporate & Finance2025 | Band 3 | 4 Years RankedHNS Legal is a respected Beirut law firm which possesses deep experience in M&A. The firm's lawyers are equally capable of advising on joint ventures and commercial contract matters, and also regularly handle cross-border mandates. Key sectors of expertise include media and IT, as well as food and beverage distribution.
Band 4
4 Baroudi & AssociatesCorporate & Finance2025 | Band 4 | 9 Years RankedBaroudi & Associates fields a solid team of lawyers who are well versed in a diverse range of transactional and business advisory matters. The firm is often instructed by local and international companies, as well as banks, in real estate finance, capital markets and M&A. It is also identified for its expertise in shipping and maritime law.
4 Levant Law PracticeCorporate & Finance2025 | Band 4 | 11 Years RankedLevant Law Practice is a respected business law firm which advises on corporate setups and group restructurings, as well as M&A. In addition, the team is well placed to counsel high net worth individuals and family groups on the management of financial assets.
4 Obeid & PartnersCorporate & Finance2025 | Band 4 | 4 Years RankedObeid & Partners advises on a range of commercial agreements, M&A transactions and group restructurings, among a variety of other matters. Its robust transactional team is complemented by the firm's very strong standing in the field of dispute resolution.