Ranking tables
Dispute Resolution: Arbitration | Europe
Rankings overview for Lawyers
Band 1
- Françoise Lefèvre Lefevre Arbitration SRL18 Years Ranked
- Olivier Caprasse Caprasse Arbitration12 Years Ranked
- Bernard HanotiauHanotiau & Van den Berg
- Pascal HollanderHanotiau & Van den Berg
Band 2
- Arnaud Nuyts Liedekerke Wolters Waelbroeck Kirkpatrick6 Years Ranked
- Benoît Allemeersch QUINZ13 Years Ranked
- Jean-Pierre Fierens Strelia18 Years Ranked
- Vanessa Foncke Jones Day7 Years Ranked
- Albert Jan van den BergHanotiau & Van den Berg
- Jean-François TossensTossens Goldman Gonne Lawyers
Band 3
- Aimery de Schoutheete Liedekerke Wolters Waelbroeck Kirkpatrick18 Years Ranked
- Frank Wijckmans Faros12 Years Ranked
- Hakim Boularbah Loyens & Loeff14 Years Ranked
- Nicolas Angelet Nicolas Angelet4 Years Ranked
- Olivier van der Haegen Loyens & Loeff3 Years Ranked
- Werner Eyskens Crowell & Moring LLP18 Years Ranked
- Paul LefebvreJansen + Lefebvre
Up and Coming
- Sophie GoldmanTossens Goldman Gonne Lawyers
All Lawyers profiles
Band 1
1 Françoise LefèvreLefevre Arbitration SRL | Dispute Resolution: Arbitration2024 | Band 1 | 18 Years RankedFrançoise Lefèvre of Lefevre Arbitration is a highly respected lawyer with a deep history of advising clients on disputes in domestic and cross-border cases. She acts as arbitrator in a range of cases and also has experience representing clients in white-collar crime disputes.1 Olivier CaprasseCaprasse Arbitration | Dispute Resolution: Arbitration2024 | Band 1 | 12 Years RankedOlivier Caprasse of Caprasse Arbitration acts in a full range of commercial, construction and shareholder disputes, handling ICC and CEPANI arbitrations.- Bernard HanotiauHanotiau & Van den Berg | Dispute Resolution: Arbitration2024 | Band 1
- Pascal HollanderHanotiau & Van den Berg | Dispute Resolution: Arbitration2024 | Band 1
Band 2
2 Arnaud NuytsLiedekerke Wolters Waelbroeck Kirkpatrick | Dispute Resolution: Arbitration2024 | Band 2 | 6 Years RankedArnaud Nuyts advises corporate clients on a range of investment and commercial arbitrations, as well as representing states in proceedings for the setting aside of arbitral awards.2 Benoît AllemeerschQUINZ | Dispute Resolution: Arbitration2024 | Band 2 | 13 Years RankedBenoit Allemeersch is a leading figure in the Belgian litigation market, advising multinational clients on collective actions, shareholder disputes and post-M&A litigation. He also has a growing presence in arbitration, acting as both counsel and arbitrator in ICC and CEPANI proceedings and advising on the enforcement of arbitral awards.2 Jean-Pierre FierensStrelia | Dispute Resolution: Arbitration2024 | Band 2 | 18 Years RankedJean-Pierre Fierens assists both public and private clients with contractual litigation and disputes. He also acts as arbitrator in ICC and CEPANI arbitrations, including those relating to construction and investment issues.2 Vanessa FonckeJones Day | Dispute Resolution: Arbitration2024 | Band 2 | 7 Years RankedVanessa Foncke represents clients from the telecommunications and financial sectors in commercial proceedings, as well as acting as an arbitrator in CEPANI proceedings.- Albert Jan van den BergHanotiau & Van den Berg | Dispute Resolution: Arbitration2024 | Band 2
- Jean-François TossensTossens Goldman Gonne Lawyers | Dispute Resolution: Arbitration2024 | Band 2
Band 3
3 Aimery de SchoutheeteLiedekerke Wolters Waelbroeck Kirkpatrick | Dispute Resolution: Arbitration2024 | Band 3 | 18 Years RankedAimery de Schoutheete represents clients in ICC arbitral proceedings, with particular expertise in investment-related disputes in francophone Africa.3 Frank WijckmansFaros | Dispute Resolution: Arbitration2024 | Band 3 | 12 Years RankedFrank Wijckmans of Faros acts as arbitrator in CEPANI and ICC proceedings relating to post-M&A disputes and commercial issues. He has particular expertise in aspects of competition law.3 Hakim BoularbahLoyens & Loeff | Dispute Resolution: Arbitration2024 | Band 3 | 14 Years RankedHakim Boularbah is renowned for his expertise representing clients in a range of standout international litigation cases relating to shareholder disputes and risk management. He has additional expertise assisting clients with M&A-related arbitration and set-aside proceedings relating to arbitral awards.3 Nicolas AngeletNicolas Angelet | Dispute Resolution: Arbitration2024 | Band 3 | 4 Years RankedNicolas Angelet is widely regarded for his expertise in public international law disputes, including those relating to human rights issues. He also represents clients in investment arbitration.3 Olivier van der HaegenLoyens & Loeff | Dispute Resolution: Arbitration2024 | Band 3 | 3 Years RankedOlivier van der Haegen represents clients in ICC and CEPANI arbitrations and arbitration-related court proceedings, including enforcement actions.3 Werner EyskensCrowell & Moring LLP | Dispute Resolution: Arbitration2024 | Band 3 | 18 Years RankedWerner Eyskens of Crowell & Moring LLP assists clients as counsel in substantial multinational arbitrations including contractual disputes, post-M&A proceedings and construction issues.
Up and Coming
- Sophie GoldmanTossens Goldman Gonne Lawyers | Dispute Resolution: Arbitration2024 | Up and Coming