Ranking tables
Tax | Asia-Pacific
Rankings overview for Departments
Band 1
Band 2
- Baker McKenzie 15 Years Ranked
- Clayton Utz 15 Years Ranked
- Arnold Bloch Leibler
Band 3
Senior Statespeople
- Paul King MinterEllison15 Years Ranked
- Mark Leibler ACArnold Bloch Leibler
- Richard GelskiJohnson Winter Slattery
Eminent Practitioners
Band 2
- Adrian Varrasso MinterEllison12 Years Ranked
- Andrew Sommer Clayton Utz11 Years Ranked
- Ian Kellock Ashurst15 Years Ranked
- Jerome Tse King & Wood Mallesons8 Years Ranked
- Martin Fry Allens13 Years Ranked
- Richard Snowden King & Wood Mallesons14 Years Ranked
- Scott Heezen King & Wood Mallesons12 Years Ranked
- Tim Sherman King & Wood Mallesons8 Years Ranked
- Vivian Chang Ashurst15 Years Ranked
- Clint HardingArnold Bloch Leibler
Band 3
- Aldrin De Zilva White & Case LLP4 Years Ranked
- Amrit MacIntyre Baker McKenzie15 Years Ranked
- Barbara Phair Ashurst15 Years Ranked
- Cameron Blackwood Corrs Chambers Westgarth6 Years Ranked
- Craig Milner Allens15 Years Ranked
- Darren McClafferty King & Wood Mallesons10 Years Ranked
- John Walker Jones Day15 Years Ranked
- Ka Sen Wong A&O Shearman8 Years Ranked
- Nathan Deveson MinterEllison15 Years Ranked
- Peter Feros Clayton Utz12 Years Ranked
- Rhys Guild MinterEllison12 Years Ranked
- Paul SokolowskiArnold Bloch Leibler
Band 4
- Adrian Chek Allens4 Years Ranked
- Betsy-Ann Howe K&L Gates14 Years Ranked
- Carmen McElwain MinterEllison14 Years Ranked
- Greg Reinhardt Norton Rose Fulbright13 Years Ranked
- Hugh Paynter Herbert Smith Freehills5 Years Ranked
- Katrina Parkyn King & Wood Mallesons13 Years Ranked
- Matthew Cridland K&L Gates11 Years Ranked
- Rhys Jewell Corrs Chambers Westgarth5 Years Ranked
- Sanjay Wavde Ashurst4 Years Ranked
- Toby Knight Allens13 Years Ranked
- Muhunthan KanagaratnamMXK Services
- Prashanth KainthajeJohnson Winter Slattery
Band 5
- Andrew Spalding Mills Oakley3 Years Ranked
- Chris Kinsella Holding Redlich12 Years Ranked
- Costa Koutsis Ashurst1 Years Ranked
- David Wood King & Wood Mallesons15 Years Ranked
- Ellen Thomas Allens1 Years Ranked
- Jock McCormack DLA Piper Australia15 Years Ranked
- Toby Eggleston Herbert Smith Freehills1 Years Ranked
- Peter MurrayKeypoint Law
- Stewart GrieveJohnson Winter Slattery
All Departments profiles
Band 1
1 AllensTax2025 | Band 1 | 15 Years RankedAllens advises both domestic businesses and global corporations on a broad range of tax issues. The law firm is home to a number of market-leading practitioners with specialised expertise in the banking, resources and infrastructure sectors. Its members are recognised as experts on the full range of tax issues, from income tax and GST to inbound and outbound investment and exit tax issues. The firm also possesses a leading tax disputes practice, regularly engaged to advise on audit and litigation matters. It frequently assists clients on tax issues relating to major M&A transactions and restructures.
1 AshurstTax2025 | Band 1 | 15 Years RankedAshurst's versatile team acts for major banks, global corporations and public bodies across a broad range of tax advisory services. The law firm has a notable track record of advising on the tax structuring of major M&A and financial services transactions as well as cross-border transactions and national infrastructure projects. It is also equipped to handle tax litigation matters, representing multinational clients in a variety of tax disputes
1 King & Wood MallesonsTax2025 | Band 1 | 15 Years RankedKing & Wood Mallesons provides a complete commercial tax offering in Australian, Chinese, English, European and Hong Kong law, and a highly experienced tax litigation practice that acts on many of the largest disputes in corporate Australia. The law firm fields a market-leading team with a deep bench of tax specialists, and maintains an enviable client list comprising global companies and major domestic businesses in the telecommunications, real estate, infrastructure, resources, health and financial services sectors. It is also active in the sphere of tax policy debate and fully abreast of cutting-edge multinational tax issues.
1 MinterEllisonTax2025 | Band 1 | 15 Years RankedMinterEllison's full-service tax offering spans direct, indirect, and federal and state taxes and operates on behalf of a broad client base, ranging from global corporations to high net worth individuals and public bodies. The law firm consists of both tax lawyers and accountants, giving it the capabilities of a multidisciplinary practice. It has a large tax controversy team with experience acting on significant disputes on behalf of both taxpayers and the ATO. It acts regularly on cross-border tax mandates for international clients, offering focused expertise concerning transfer pricing issues encountered by multinational corporates.
Band 2
2 Baker McKenzieTax2025 | Band 2 | 15 Years RankedBaker McKenzie acts for domestic businesses and global corporations on the tax and duty elements of corporate and financial transactions. The law firm also advises on tax strategy and offers impressive global reach for multi-jurisdictional mandates. The technical expertise of the firm spans income tax, stamp duty, land tax, GST and employment-related taxes. The team also possesses expertise in transfer pricing and wealth management. It is well placed to resolve disputes, with extensive experience defending proceedings initiated by the Australian Taxation Office. It is active in advising clients on the tax implications of inbound investments and acquisitions.
2 Clayton UtzTax2025 | Band 2 | 15 Years RankedClayton Utz offers the complete spectrum of tax law advice, with noteworthy expertise in advising on international tax, indirect tax, petroleum tax and disputes. Its client base includes ASX 200 corporations, major industrial organisations, private equity firms, state and Commonwealth governments, and high net worth individuals. The law firm offers considerable expertise in tax issues relating to cross-border transactions, and has an equally strong expertise in the tax implications of domestic mergers and acquisitions.
Band 3
3 Corrs Chambers WestgarthTax2025 | Band 3 | 15 Years RankedCorrs Chambers Westgarth offers noteworthy strength in the representation of clients in the energy and natural resources sector and specialist expertise in advising on the taxation aspects of M&A and restructuring transactions, and of real estate and housing development projects. The firm advises government entities and a broad range of private sector clients, including both ASX-listed domestic businesses and global corporations, and has growing presence in contentious matters, with experience acting on a range of tax disputes.
3 DLA Piper AustraliaTax2025 | Band 3 | 8 Years RankedDLA Piper provides a solid offering in transactional tax law for domestic and multinational companies from a wide range of sectors including financial services, technology, natural resources and private equity. The law firm is experienced in acting for clients on such matters as R&D tax incentives and ATO reviews as well as the tax elements of restructures, property acquisitions and divestments, and joint ventures. It offers notable expertise in advising multinational businesses on anti-avoidance legislation and developing its presence in the tax controversy space, acting for taxpayers on disputes with the ATO.
3 Jones DayTax2025 | Band 3 | 5 Years RankedJones Day fields a highly experienced team with an excellent offering in tax controversy. The law firm frequently represents multinational businesses, including high-profile names in the natural resources, energy and infrastructure industries, on a broad spectrum of matters involving the ATO. It demonstrates expertise in a wide range of issues, including disputes over such issues as global restructures, deductibility of significant costs, multinational anti-avoidance laws, transfer pricing and the disposal of significant assets.
3 K&L GatesTax2025 | Band 3 | 7 Years RankedK&L Gates maintains a predominantly transaction-focused tax practice which covers both direct and indirect taxation. The law firm acts for a range of clients from investment funds and multinational corporates to high net worth individuals. It offers additional capabilities in handling tax disputes and is valued for its international network and ability to advise on the taxation implications of cross-border transactions.
Band 4
4 A&O ShearmanTax2025 | Band 4 | 12 Years RankedA&O Shearman operates a flexible practice, providing access to a global network and noted expertise in matters related to covered bonds. The firm has a deep experience in advising on the tax aspects of M&A, asset and equity transactions, reorganisations and restructurings, capital markets issuances and more. It is also able to handle contentious tax mandates. The team provides further tax advisory assistance to clients by way of its alternative resourcing platform, Peerpoint.
4 Gilbert + TobinTax2025 | Band 4 | 4 Years RankedGilbert + Tobin fields a robust team of practitioners who are well placed to assist clients on a variety of taxation issues. The team frequently acts for clients on the tax aspects of major corporate transactions, complementing the firm's leading M&A and private equity practices. The law firm also offers a strong tax controversy practice, being able to assist clients on tax litigation before courts at both the state and federal levels, as well as on audits by the ATO.
4 Hall & WilcoxTax2025 | Band 4 | 6 Years RankedHall & Wilcox's established mid-market tax practice acts regularly on tax transactional, due diligence and Australian Taxation Office audit mandates. The law firm represents both corporate and individual high net worth clients, frequently being engaged by clients from, among others, the financial services, insurance and property sectors, and on the panels of a number of tax authorities at both Commonwealth and state levels. It also fields a robust tax controversy offering, with experience of tax-related litigation before courts and relevant tribunals at all levels up to and including the High Court.
4 Herbert Smith FreehillsTax2025 | Band 4 | 1 Years RankedHerbert Smith Freehills provides comprehensive advice on taxation in connection with corporate transactions and restructuring. The law firm advises on stamp duty and land tax implications for schemes of arrangement, mergers, acquisitions and joint ventures, as well as providing guidance on tax aspects of fund formations and mergers. It also represents clients in disputes with the tax authorities.
4 Norton Rose FulbrightTax2025 | Band 4 | 15 Years RankedThe Norton Rose Fulbright practice offers both direct and indirect tax advice and is particularly active on both domestic and international transactional tax matters and the provision of tax advisory services to charitable and not-for-profit institutions. The law firm acts for a range of clients, including energy and insurance sector corporates. It is also active across a broad range of domestic tax advisory issues, including income tax, GST and state taxes.
4 White & Case LLPTax2025 | Band 4 | 2 Years RankedWhite & Case's tax team is well-versed in advising on the tax elements of large M&A, particularly in the energy and infrastructure arenas. The team is capable of drawing on its impressive international network to provide holistic tax advice on cross-border transactions. The law firm also handles a range of tax controversy and audit matters. In addition, the tax team assist across regulatory compliance, tax planning and structuring.