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Tax | Latin America

Dominican Republic

Tax covers a broad range of matters on both the contentious and non-contentious side. Relevant matters includes tax advisory work on international taxation, including transfer pricing and double taxation is highly relevant to this area, as is advice on tax structures for corporate transactions. This section also covers tax controversies, including both litigation and audits.

All Lawyers profiles

Eminent Practitioners
  1. Edgar Barnichta Geara
    Barnichta & Asociados | Tax
    2024 | Eminent Practitioners
Band 1
  1. Fabiola Medina Garnes
    Fabiola Medina Garnes
    Medina Garnes Abogados
    Medina Garnes Abogados | Tax
    2024 | Band 1 | 11 Years Ranked
    Top-tier practitioner Fabiola Medina Garnes of Medina Garnes Abogados benefits from over 30 years of experience advising clients on contentious mandates. She is particularly praised for her expertise assisting with tax controversies.
  2. 1
    José Manuel Romero
    KPMG Dominicana
    KPMG Dominicana | Tax
    2024 | Band 1 | 3 Years Ranked
    Market-leading practitioner José Manuel Romero of KPMG Dominicana boasts over 20 years' experience advising clients on a variety of tax mandates, including tax planning and compliance issues, transfer pricing and the fiscal implications of corporate acquisitions.
Band 2
  1. Ana Isabel Taveras
    Ana Isabel Taveras
    OMG | Tax
    2024 | Band 2 | 3 Years Ranked
    "I've been working with Ana Isabel Taveras for more than ten years since way before she was a partner, and there are fewer lawyers in the country with her level of knowledge of the tax framework of the Dominican Republic."
  2. 2
    Caroline Bonó
    Pellerano Nadal Law & Consulting
    Pellerano Nadal Law & Consulting | Tax
    2024 | Band 2 | 3 Years Ranked
    Caroline Bonó of Pellerano Nadal Law & Consulting boasts extensive experience handling tax disputes of an administrative nature, as well as assisting with the tax implications of corporate restructuring.
  3. Jesús Francos
    Jesús Francos
    Medina Garnes Abogados
    Medina Garnes Abogados | Tax
    2024 | Band 2 | 8 Years Ranked
    Well-regarded partner Jesús Francosof Medina Garnes Abogados is lauded by interviewees for his expertise in administrative law and tax matters.
  4. Luis Miguel Pereyra
    Luis Miguel Pereyra
    Pereyra & Asociados
    Pereyra & Asociados | Tax
    2024 | Band 2 | 11 Years Ranked
    Luis Miguel Pereyra of Pereyra & Asociados is a leading figure in the Dominican Republican legal market. He elicits significant praise from market commentators for his litigation work in administrative and tax issues.