Ranking tables
Timberland Investment | Brazil: Industries & Sectors
Rankings overview for Lawyers
Band 1
- Aldo De CresciDe Cresci Advogados
Band 2
Band 3
All Lawyers profiles
Band 1
Band 2
2 Gilberto Deon Corrêa JuniorSouto Correa Advogados | Timberland Investment2024 | Band 2 | 15 Years RankedFounding partner Gilberto Deon Corrêa Junior is a seasoned practitioner, well regarded for his broad timberland investment practice, which covers sector-related negotiations, due diligence, analysis of documents and drafting of land acquisition agreements.
2 Rossana Fernandes DuarteMattos Filho | Timberland Investment2024 | Band 2 | 16 Years RankedRossana Fernandes Duarte enjoys a solid reputation regarding her strong expertise in advising clients on sector-related real estate operations.
Band 3
3 Flávia Bailoni Marcilio BarbosaKLA Advogados | Timberland Investment2024 | Band 3 | 14 Years RankedFlávia Bailoni Marcilio Barbosa is a strong practitioner with a solid reputation within the timberland investment field. She is well regarded for her capabilities in dealing with contentious and non-contentious sector-related matters, as well as her expertise handling real estate deals.
3 José DiazDemarest Advogados | Timberland Investment2024 | Band 3 | 17 Years RankedJosé Diaz is a seasoned practitioner in the agribusiness and timberland investment sectors. He is well regarded in the market for his adept handling of sophisticated merger and acquisition deals.
Band 4
4 Luis Peyseri2a Advogados | Timberland Investment2024 | Band 4 | 3 Years RankedLuis Peyser is a strong practitioner dealing with sophisticated sale and acquisition of timberland, issuance of quotas of FIAGRO and rural real estate investments.
Key sectorsAgriculture and Agribusiness|Financial Investors|Financial Services|Property, Construction and Infrastructure
Up and Coming
U Paula TairaGasparini, Nogueira de Lima, Barbosa e Freire Advogados | Timberland Investment2024 | Up and Coming | 5 Years RankedUp-and-coming lawyer Paula Taira is recognised by the market for her activity in the agribusiness sector.