Brazil: Transactional
Practice Areas
Luis has been involved in advising national and foreign investors for over 20 years in the areas of financial transactions, investments, capital markets deals and offerings, urban and rural property acquisitions and transactions and timberland investments. Responsible for directly advising the main investors and financiers of property acquisitions in Brazil, including participation in investment projects, purchases and financing of rural and urban properties in an aggregate value above R$ 20 billions and including some of the major urban and rural real estate projects of Brazil.
Luis is a co-founder of i2a Advogados. He has practice as lawyer including as an internal counsel at Itaú Unibanco and as a foreing associate at Debevoise & Plimpton NYC. He is a founding partner and was the executive director of the Brazilian Institute of Business Law – IBRADEMP until 2010 and the Co-Chair of Group of the Real Estate and Alternative Investments (2020-2021)
• De criptoativos a cannabis, vinhos e obras de arte: “investimentos alternativos” começam a ganhar força no Brasil
• Fundo de investimento agroindustrial: provocações e desafios
• Funding in the Brazilian Market and Receivable Funds
• Cerco aos Hedge Funds
• Covered Bonds: Solução para o funding do mercado imobiliário?
• FINANÇAS CORPORATIVAS -"Letras Imobiliárias Garantidas (Covered Bonds)"
• Empréstimo de Ações e o Mercado de Capitais
Brazil: Industries & Sectors
Practice Areas
Luis has been involved in advising national and foreign investors for over 20 years in the areas of financial transactions, investments, capital markets deals and offerings, urban and rural property acquisitions and transactions and timberland investments. Responsible for directly advising the main investors and financiers of property acquisitions in Brazil, including participation in investment projects, purchases and financing of rural and urban properties in an aggregate value above R$ 20 billions and including some of the major urban and rural real estate projects of Brazil.
Luis is a co-founder of i2a Advogados. He has practice as lawyer including as an internal counsel at Itaú Unibanco and as a foreing associate at Debevoise & Plimpton NYC. He is a founding partner and was the executive director of the Brazilian Institute of Business Law – IBRADEMP until 2010 and the Co-Chair of Group of the Real Estate and Alternative Investments (2020-2021)
• De criptoativos a cannabis, vinhos e obras de arte: “investimentos alternativos” começam a ganhar força no Brasil
• Fundo de investimento agroindustrial: provocações e desafios
• Funding in the Brazilian Market and Receivable Funds
• Cerco aos Hedge Funds
• Covered Bonds: Solução para o funding do mercado imobiliário?
• FINANÇAS CORPORATIVAS -"Letras Imobiliárias Garantidas (Covered Bonds)"
• Empréstimo de Ações e o Mercado de Capitais