Medici is a boutique law firm launched in May 2020 specialised in commercial and investment arbitration, as well as in commercial and arbitration-related litigation.
Within an innovative and flexible structure, it embodies the values of excellence, efficiency, enthusiasm, and ethical commitment.
The team assists a broad range of clients before arbitral tribunals under all major arbitration institutions (ICC, ICSID, UNCITRAL, DIAC, CRCICA, SCC, AFA, CMAP, LCIA, Danish Institute, KCAB, SIAC, Cepani, CCAT) as well as before French courts.
Medici mainly acts for legal entities, including companies listed on the stock exchange and other leading companies in the pharmaceutical and energy industries, institutional clients, major firms and medium-sized companies. The firm also represents individuals such as company directors, partners, shareholders.
Prior to creating Medici, the founding partners practiced arbitration for nearly 20 years, both as counsel and arbitrators, in well-known international law firms and have developed a solid experience in complex cases (Marie-Laure Bizeau from Derains & Gharavi, Valence Borgia from K&L Gates and Caroline Duclercq from Altana).
Medici is relentless and creative when defending its clients which enabled the firm to win significant cases (cost-wise and legal-wise).
Medici assists its client in disputes governed by various procedural and substantive laws with a focus on disputes involving African, Middle Eastern, French, and Italian parties, in many different areas, such as construction-engineering, corporate, post-acquisition/transfer disputes, oil and gas industry, pharmaceutical industry, shareholder relations, joint ventures, banking-finance, telecommunication, sales, agency agreements, distribution, IP/IT, hospitality and tourism.
Medici is known for providing 360° services in arbitration:the three partners act both as counsel and arbitrators and have also developed a strong practice in peri-arbitral litigation and more particularly in proceedings for annulment and enforcement of awards before French courts as well as in proceedings relating to the liability of the parties involved in arbitration proceedings (such as arbitrators, experts, etc.). Also, the firm has also developed significant experience in disputes involving third party funders and frequently assists its clients in the search of external funders and the negotiation of a fee arrangement.
Firmly committed to gender equality and the fight against all forms of violence and discrimination, the firm has created the Medici for Equality fund, to which it donates 5% of its profits.
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