Office Profile

Raffalli de Lemos Halvorssen Ortega y Oliveira

Caracas Office

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Latin America
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Provided by Raffalli de Lemos Halvorssen Ortega y Oliveira

RdHOO is an integral law firm that assists national and international companies doing business in Venezuela, offering high-quality, efficient, and competitive legal advice since 1990 through an experienced team of professionals with exceptional qualifications. RdHOO ensures that each matter is handled by specialized lawyers, coordinated to allow a truly comprehensive service. RdHOO has active participation in renowned Chambers of Commerce and Trade Unions in the country and is a member of Terralex®, an international network of independent law firms that brings together more than 150 offices worldwide.


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Venezuela - Head office
Torre Forum, Calle Guaicaipuro Piso 11 El Rosal , Caracas, Distrito Capital, Venezuela, 1060


Email: [email protected]

Tel: +58 212 952 0995

Fax: +58 212 952 4415