Practice Areas
Banking & Finance
Corporate and M&A
Alexander is an established practitioner with more than 25 years of experience in the fields of banking-finance, M&A, corporate law, and arbitration. Highlight transactions include the first major leveraged acquisition in Greece, the first hive-down of the banking business of a systemic Greek bank, NPL transactions of a combined gross book value in excess of 15 billion Euros and the first issuance of covered bonds.
He joined POTAMITISVEKRIS' Partnership in 2023.
Professional Memberships
Member of the Athens Bar
Member of the Greek Commercial Law Association
Admitted in the Athens Supreme Court, in 1996
Author of the following Publications:
“International Aspects of Company Recruiting”, in Greek, 2001
- “The Capital Market Commission Decision on Tender Offers”, in Greek, 2001
- “Legal Aspects of the Conclusion of Derivatives Contracts Pursuant to the ISDA Master Agreement by Local Entities Incorporated or Established in Greece” in Greek, 2002
- “Commentary on Article 6 of the Greek Company Law (Conflict of Laws) in the Law of Societies Anonymes”, Collective work edities, E. Perakis, 2002
- “Die europarechtskonforme Auslegung, Münster”, 1994
- Insurance Contracts in Private International Law, Athens 1997
Alexander, besides his practice, is a recognized legal scholar, acting as visiting lecturer at the University of Athens Law School, and frequently publishing scholarly work. Moreover, he has been a contributing member of the committees for the reform of the Greek corporate and insolvency laws.
He holds an LL.B. from the law school of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, an LLM from Yale Law School (1994) and a Doctorate from the Westfällische Wilhelms Universität Münster Law School (1993).