Ranked in 2 Practice Areas

Band 1

Banking & Finance


14 Years Ranked


Band 1



23 Years Ranked

Ranked in Guides


Provided by Alexander Metallinos


Practice Areas

Banking & Finance

Corporate and M&A



Alexander is an established practitioner with more than 25 years of experience in the fields of banking-finance, M&A, corporate law, and arbitration. Highlight transactions include the first major leveraged acquisition in Greece, the first hive-down of the banking business of a systemic Greek bank, NPL transactions of a combined gross book value in excess of 15 billion Euros and the first issuance of covered bonds.

He holds an LL.B. from the law school of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, an LL.M. and a doctorate in European Law from the Westfälische Universität Münster and an LL.M. from the Yale Law School.

He joined POTAMITISVEKRIS' Partnership in 2023.

Professional Memberships

Member of the Athens Bar Association

Admitted by the Athens Supreme Court, 1996


Alexander Metallinos, The interpretation of national Law in conformity with community law (in Greek), In memoriam Alkis Argyriadis, Vol. II, pp. 607 et seq.

Alexander Metallinos, Insurance contracts in private international law (in Greek), 1997

Alexander Metallinos, The decision of the Capital Markets Commission on tender offers (in Greek), Annual Conference of Commercial Law Experts, 2001

Alexander Metallinos, Legal issues regarding the conclusion of financial derivative contracts from legal entities having their legal seat or a permanent establishment in Greece (in Greek), Law of Undertakings and Companies 2003, pp. 515 et seq.

Alexander Metallinos, The end of the real seat theory in the EU, Comment on ECJ decision of 5.11.2002 (in Greek), Überseering BV v. Nordic Construction Company Baumanagement GmbH (NCC), C-208/00, Review of Commercial Law 2003, pp. 194 et. seq.

Alexander Metallinos, Issues of set-off in the securitization of claims (in Greek), in Greek Society of Banking Law and Capital Markets Law, Minutes of the 1st annual conference 2005 (2008), pp. 159 et seq.

Alexander Metallinos, Corporate bonds in private international law (in Greek), Annual Conference of Commercial Law Experts, 2008

Alexander Metallinos, Commentary on article 6 of Company Law 2190/1920 (in Greek), in Law of Sociétés Anonymes, E. Perakis (ed.), 2010

Alexander Metallinos, Chapters on the applicable law regarding legal entities and on international insolvency (in Greek), in Law of International Transactions, Ch. Pamboukis (ed.), 2010

Alexander Metallinos, Commentary on article 4 (in Greek), in The private international law of non-contractual obligations, Commentary on Regulation 864/2007 (Rome II), A. Bolos/ D.P. Tzakas (ed.), 2013

Alexander Metallinos, Commentary on articles 23, 24, 42, 44, 45, 53 and 54 (in Greek), in International Successions Law, Commentary on Regulation (EU) 650/2012, Ch. Pamboukis (ed.), 2016

Alexander Metallinos, The group of companies in conflict of laws (in Greek) in Groups of undertakings, Union of Greek Commercial Law Experts (ed.), 2017

Alexander Metallinos, Bonds and bond loans (in Greek), in Reforms of company law 2018-2019, Union of Greek Commercial Law Experts (ed.), 2019

Alexander Metallinos, Commentary on articles 4-33 Civil Code (Private international law) (in Greek), in Concise Commentary on the Civil Code, Ap. Georgiades (ed.), Vol. I, 1st ed. 2010, 2nd ed. 2022.

Alexander Metallinos, Private International Law in the Jurisprudence of Greek Courts (1995-1996), RHDI 49 (1996), pp. 229-240

Alexander Metallinos, National report for Greece in the XXth fide Congress of 2002 on II. Financial Services in the Era of the Euro and E-Commerce: Does Home Country Control Work?

Alexander Metallinos, Chapter on Greece, in Grant J. (ed.), European Takeovers, The Art of Acquisition (1st ed. 2005, 2nd ed. 2018), pp. 217-223.

Alexander Metallinos, The Greek Sovereign Debt Restructuring in Sovereign Debt and Debt Restructuring, Eugenio A Bruno (ed), 2013

Alexander Metallinos, Covered Bonds, Greek Law Digest, 2016

Alexander Metallinos, Applicable law on companies and other legal entities – The current state of play in Greek private international law, Αναμνηστικός Τόμος Λεωνίδα Γεωργακόπουλου, 2016, σ. 551 επ. [In memoriam Leonidas Georgakopoulos, 2016, pp. 551 et seq.]

Alexander Metallinos, Commentary on articles 23, 24, 42, 44, 45, 53 and 54 in EU Succession Regulation No 650/2012, A Commentary, Ch. Pamboukis (ed.), 2017


Alexander, besides his practice, is a recognized legal scholar, acting as visiting lecturer at the University of Athens Law School, and frequently publishing scholarly work. Moreover, he has been a contributing member of the committees for the reform of the Greek corporate and insolvency laws.

Chambers Review

Provided by Chambers

Chambers Global Guide

Banking & Finance - Greece

Band 1
Individual Editorial

Alexander Metallinos continues to be a frontrunner in the Greek financing world. He is highly esteemed for the breadth of his expertise in NPE securitisations, structured finance projects and refinancing of existing facilities as well as acquisition financing.

Corporate/Commercial - Greece

Band 1
Individual Editorial
Leading lawyer Alexander Metallinos is sought after for his expertise across the full spectrum of corporate work, including complex transformation projects and divestments.


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