Bernardo Cascão is a partner in BMA's Competition practice area, and a member of the firm's Technology and Digital Businesses group, focusing on competition in the digital environment. He represents clients before Brazil's competition authority, CADE – Conselho Administrativo de Defesa Econômica, in merger reviews and investigations into potentially anticompetitive conduct such as cartels. He also assists clients in reviewing their business practices, developing competition compliance programs and providing training on compliance programs.
His clients include some of the largest national and international companies doing business in various sectors such as pharmaceuticals, telecommunications, information technology, energy, oil and gas, ports, construction, finance and investment banking, insurance and reinsurance, durable goods sales, pharmacies and drugstores, fuel distribution and sales, tourism, and parking services.
Bernardo was a foreign associate at Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer in Brussels (October 2013 to March 2014).
He lectures in Competition Law in the LL.M. program at the Instituto Brasileiro de Mercado de Capitais – IBMEC, and has taught Industrial Property Law at the Fundação Getúlio Vargas – FGV Rio (2011-2012) and at the Magistrates' School of the State of Rio de Janeiro – EMERJ (2009).
"Antitrust Cases Involving Intellectual Property Rights in the Communication and Media Sector in Brazil". Communications and Competition Law. Key Issues in the Telecoms, Media and Technology Sectors, 2014. p. 207-216.
"Antitrust Assessment of IP-Related Matters in Brazil: Recent Developments". Competition Law International, 2012.
"Breves Notas sobre Atos de Concentração Submetidos ao CADE". Concentração de Empresas no Direito Antitruste Brasileiro. 2011.