Ranked in 2 Practice Areas

Band 2

TMT: Media


8 Years Ranked

Ranked in Guides


Provided by Bertil van Kaam


Practice Areas

Bertil is head of the practice and founder of the firm, with more than 30 years of experience in Media Law and intellectual property. Bertil represents all kinds of companies active in the entertainment business, such as, television, film production and broadcasting companies, as well as publishers, theatre/musical producers, performing artists, celebrities, influencers, photographers, opera and ballet.

He is appreciated and well-known for his combination of in-depth legal knowledge and business sense. Bertil has litigated numerous landmark cases.


Over the years, Bertil has developed a highly successful strategy in handling cases involving significant press coverage and pressure, in which quick decision making is one of the main factors. He is also a frequent lecturer at conventions/trainings in relation to both litigation and regulatory aspects within the Media Law landscape.

For example, for the past ten years, Bertil (together with Band 1 Lawyer Jacqueline Schaap) have led the educational course on unlawful press publications for media lawyers, legal counsels and other media (law) specialists in Amsterdam.

Bertil is also a deputy Judge at one of the district courts, utilising his expert knowledge on Media Law and IP.

Bertil wrote a chapter titled ‘Exploitation of television formats’ for a book that will be published in September 2024, called ‘Transparency about exploitation contracts – what is a proportional compensation?’. This chapter covers various aspects of television format development and production, including IP-related topics. In the book, other renowned Dutch IP professionals such as Dirk Visser, Otto Volgenant and Roland Wigman also participated by writing a chapter.

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TMT: Media - Netherlands

Band 2
Individual Editorial
Bertil van Kaam acts for both claimants and defendants on defamation and reputational damages cases. He also represents clients in contractual disputes, litigation concerning the unauthorised use of image rights in advertisements and attempts to prevent clients broadcasting documentaries.

Intellectual Property: General - Mostly Trade Mark/Copyright - Netherlands

Band 4
Individual Editorial
Bertil van Kaam frequently assists clients in the media industry with contractual issues and copyright infringement issues. He also assists clients with trade mark enforcement matters and represents individuals in copyright-related litigation.


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Intellectual Property: General - Mostly Trade Mark/Copyright

Bertil van Kaam
Bertil van Kaam
Band 4
TMT: Media

Bertil van Kaam
Bertil van Kaam
Band 2