Dentons (formerly Salans) – Partner (2006 to date); Haarmann, Hemmelrath & Partner (2000-2005, Partner from 2001); Rechtsanwälte Schmidt, Chowanietz, Rüsing & Partner GbR, Münster (1997-2000).
“Spezialfonds get caught up in Germany's closing funds net,” Real Estate Capital, 2012
Co-author, “German real estate transfer tax: partnership interests and company shares,” PLC Cross-Border Multi-Jurisdictional Guide to Corporate Real Estate, 2011/12
“Specialised investment funds in Germany,” FAF International
“German open-ended real estate funds and the ongoing reform debate,” PLC Cross-Border Multi-Jurisdictional Guide to Corporate Real Estate
“Wer nicht nachschießt, muss gehen, zu BGH-Urteil vom 19. Oktober 2009, Az.: II ZR 240/08,” Financial Times Deutschland, published 3 November 2009
“Finanzierung von Wohnungsbeständen unter Anwendung der Zinsschranke,” JUVE Handbuch, 2008/2009
“Specialised investment funds in Germany,” PLC Cross-Border Handbook Corporate Real Estate, 2009/10
“REITs in Germany,” PLC Cross-Border Handbook Corporate Real Estate, 2007/2008
“§ 7 (Obligatorische und fakultative Satzungsbestandteile), § 12 (Bargründung),” in: Münchener Anwaltshandbuch Aktienrecht, 3rd edition, 2018
Landesbank Berlin: Advising on the sale of the majority share in the owner company of an office complex in Berlin to Commodus.
Amundi: Advising on the sale of the "IBM building" in Berlin-Marienfelde to Commodus.
gsp Städtebau: Advising on the sale of the Frankfurt residential tower "Eden Tower" to the Belgian real estate developer Immobel.