A partner in the firm’s capital markets area, Guilherme Sampaio Monteiro boasts over 15 years of experience in advising companies, institutions and institutional investors in a wide array of transactions, including IPOs, M&As of publicly traded companies, and corporate restructuring transactions. In 2020, UK’s Client Choice recognized him as Brazil’s leading capital markets attorney. He also acted in several award-winning operations, such as Natura’s acquisition of Avon (representing Natura); TAM S.A.’s merger into Lan Airlines and ensuing creation of LATAM (representing LAN); Amil’s acquisition by United Health (representing United Health); the JV between Boeing and Embraer (representing Boeing); Cosan Group’s corporate restructuring; and Raízen’s IPO.
LL.M. from Stanford University
Extension Course in Business Administration from the New York University
Extension Course in Corporate Law from the Getúlio Vargas Foundation (FGV)
Extension Course in International Relations from the São Paulo University (USP)
Bachelor's Degree in Law from the São Paulo University (USP)
International experience: Davis Polk & Wardwell LLP, USA and U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, Washington, D.C