Practice Areas
Günther Hanslik is a partner in the CMS Vienna Transaction Team and specialises in financial transactions, restructurings and corporate transactions.
He leads the financial transaction team of CMS Vienna and supports clients in high-profile projects in Austria and CEE. He also represents leading European financial institutions and international companies.
Günther has been teaching at the University of Vienna and the Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration for many years.
Wissenszurechnung beim Unternehmenskauf (Imputation of knowledge when acquiring companies, German publication), ecolex 2016
Big Deal: M&A-Verträge richtig verhandeln, (Big Deals: getting M&A negotiations right, German publication) LexisNexis 2014
Akquisitionsfinanzierung, in: Althuber/Schopper (Hrsg.), (Financing acquisitions, in: Althuber/Schopper (Hrsg.), Handbook for Acquisitions & Due Diligence, German publication) Handbuch Unternehmenskauf & Due Diligence
Market Disruption - Auswirkung der gegenwärtigen Liquiditätskrise auf Kredite mit variablen Zinsklauseln, (Market Disruption - Effects of the current cash crisis on loans with variable interest clauses) (with Wendelin Ettmayer), ecolex 2018, 1085
MAC-Klauseln in Unternehmenskaufverträgen, (MAC clauses in acquisitions agreements, German publication) ecolex 2007, 829