Gustavo serves as lead counsel in both domestic and international proceedings held under the auspices of the rules of the principal arbitration institutions in several venues around the globe, including the ICC, LCIA, the Chamber of Commerce Brazil-Canada (CAM-CCBC), the Chamber of Conciliation, Mediation, and Arbitration (CIESP/FIESP), FGV, the Business Arbitration Chamber of Brazil (CAMARB), and CBMA. He also represents clients in ad hoc proceedings and under the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules. Additionally, Gustavo represents clients before Brazilian federal and state courts in various complex court disputes.
Trained in both civil and common law, Gustavo represents clients in commercial and corporate disputes related to a variety of sectors, such as energy (including renewable and oil & gas), engineering and construction projects, mining, and telecommunications. Clients also turn to Gustavo for advice and representation in ancillary arbitration-related lawsuits, including applications for the recognition and enforcement of foreign arbitral awards with the Superior Court of Justice of Brazil.
Gustavo regularly serves as a tribunal chairman, sole arbitrator, and party-appointed arbitrator in the major Brazilian arbitration chambers, namely the CAM-CCBC, CIESP-FIESP, and CAMARB, where he also serves as a board member. Gustavo is also a member of the ICC Commission on Arbitration and ADR. He co-coordinates the Study Group on Arbitration, Mediation, and State Entities of the Brazilian Arbitration Committee (CBar) and frequently speaks at conferences and seminars, particularly on arbitration involving state entities and foreign investment protection, topics on which he has authored journal articles and book chapters.