Practice Areas
Hannah specialises in matrimonial finance proceedings. She has experience in all aspects of financial remedy proceedings and also specialises in claims under Schedule 1 of the Children Act. Hannah’s practice has a particular focus on high-value cases, with high-profile and high net-worth clients who require the best representation and excellent client care. Her cases typically involve valuable business assets and complex financial, and jurisdictional, issues.
Hannah is a founding and only barrister member of ‘Family Law Live’). This incredibly successful initiative was shortlisted for ‘Family Law Commentator of the Year’ for 2 years’ running at the Family Law Awards. Hannah was also shortlisted for ‘Young Barrister of the Year’ at the 2017 Family Law Awards.
Specialist in:
• All aspects of financial remedies
• Schedule 1 Children Act applications
Notable Cases:
K v S (appeal against registration of an order of a Member State) [2019] EWFC B43