Jakob Kristensen
Europe Guide 2024
Band 4 : Corporate/M&A
Provided by Jakob Kristensen
Practice Areas
Jakob Kristensen has in-depth experience in management and negotiation of mergers and acquisitions, both representing the seller and the buyer. He assists several Danish and non-Danish enterprises.
In addition to his many years of experience as a lawyer, Jakob also holds a BA of Commerce degree [Financing] from the Copenhagen Business School. Due to his legal and financial background, Jakob is a sought-after legal adviser throughout M&A transactions, and he is well-known for his constructive and commercial approach to complex challenges.
Jakob has headed several considerable cross-border transactions, his most recent work primarily including transactions within the agricultural and energy sectors as well as within media, technology, transport, design and services.
Through the years, Jakob has gained vast experience in the energy and renewable energy sector with regard to matters involving wind turbines and photovoltaic systems as well as to conventional energy production. Jakob has been involved in some of the largest and most complex energy transactions in Denmark. Jakob works for some of the largest developers and institutional investors in connection with investments in wind and solar projects.
Jakob has in-depth knowledge of structuring development projects and transactions for clients in the renewable energy sector and has especially assisted as a trusted adviser in drafting and negotiating land leases, EPC, O&M and TCM agreements for a large number of projects. He has significant legal and commercial expertise with power purchase and guarantee of origin agreements as well as balance-of-plant agreements.
In every project, Jakob and his experienced team of lawyers provide legal services to clients, covering all aspects of development projects and transactions, including regulatory advice, financing, land rights, construction and operational agreements. Jakob is generally overall responsible for the commercial and legal review of both wind and photovoltaic projects with regard to due diligence, structuring, negotiations and financing.
Through numerous transactions, Jakob has gained in-depth knowledge of investments and acquisitions for foreign investors from North America, Asia and the rest of Europe. Jakob heads our Chinese Desk and has a very strong network among Chinese investors and advisers.
Jakob also works with complex company law issues, including in connection with reorganisations and ownership.
Professional Memberships
Member, The Association of Danish Law Firms' Expert Panel in Energy Law
Member, International Bar Association
Member, Danish Competition Law Society
Languages Spoken
Chambers Review
Jakob Kristensen assists a broad range of clients with domestic and cross-border transactions.
Provided by Chambers
"Jakob is curious and actively engaged to understand where we can create value and what are possible strategies as well as negotiation tactics. He is quick to respond and ensures we move the right questions forward fast. He is a great comfort to have as part of the team."
"He understands the business and is a good negotiator in transactions."
"He is a very skilled and responsive lawyer. He is extremely efficient in negotiations and always provides high-quality deliverables on time."
"He has very good market knowledge and is very pragmatic."
"Jakob is curious and actively engaged to understand where we can create value and what are possible strategies as well as negotiation tactics. He is quick to respond and ensures we move the right questions forward fast. He is a great comfort to have as part of the team."
"He understands the business and is a good negotiator in transactions."
"He is a very skilled and responsive lawyer. He is extremely efficient in negotiations and always provides high-quality deliverables on time."
"He has very good market knowledge and is very pragmatic."