Provided by Johanna C. Soto
Practice Areas
Founding Partner at Business Law Studio, she specializes in corporate and business law, especially mergers and acquisitions, tax and estate planning, corporate reorganizations, strategic alliances, project financing and contract engineering. Her professional approach involves minimizing risk exposure while capitalizing on legal opportunities, optimizing the efficiency of businesses, deals, and transactions, this includes designing the most efficient tax structures and an adequate corporate governance framework.
Private Equity DR, Chambers Private Equity 2020
Latin Lawyer Reference M&A 2019.
Legal Strategy for Optimal Business Structure based on Tax Planning, 2016
GTDT-Acquisition Finance DR (2013, 2014 y 2015)
IFLR M&A Chapter 2014.
Protection of Technology, 2004.
Blog “Business, She Wrote”
Master’s in Legal Strategy -IOMG (2017).
Master’s in French and International Private Law- Université Pantheón-Assas Paris II (2006).
Magna cum laude- PUCMM (2004).
Tax Consultant- Tax Association of DR-(2012).
“Fintech”; “Cryptocurrency and Blockchain”- Wharton University of Pennsylvania (2022).
“AI & Law” Lund University (2023).
Real Estate Transactions -IOMG (2022).
Governance - IOMG (2024)
OMG- Corporate and M&A
Partner (2020-2023)
Director (2014-2020)
Manager (2008-2014)
Senior Associate (2006-2008)
Director- Law Degree (2020 -2023).
Professor of Due Diligence, Structure of Business Transactions - Master of Business Transactions (2020-2023).
Professor of Contracts- Master of Legal Strategy (2023).