Ranking tables

Corporate/Commercial | Global

Dominican Republic

The Corporate/Commercial rankings table below has been designed to provide the most in-depth insights and reviews of the top ranked lawyers and law firms. The firms included in our rankings have been recommended by in-house counsel, other third-party experts and private practice lawyers. Our comprehensive research ensures you have all the information needed when looking to purchase legal services across Dominican Republic.

Rankings overview for Departments


Band 2

  1. Castillo y Castillo
  2. Jiménez Peña
  3. Pellerano Nadal Law & Consulting
  4. Russin, Vecchi & Heredia Bonetti

Band 3

  1. Ulises Cabrera
    Ulises Cabrera 5 Years Ranked
  2. Medina Garnes Abogados
  3. Pellerano & Herrera
  4. Pereyra & Asociados
  5. Raful Sicard & Asociados

Band 4

  1. DMK Abogados 15 Years Ranked
  2. Alburquerque Abogados – Consultores
  3. Biaggi Abogados - Attorneys at Law
  4. Bobadilla Abogados
  5. ECIJA
  6. Guzmán Ariza
  7. JJ Roca & Asociados

Senior Statespeople

  1. Práxedes Castillo PérezCastillo y Castillo

Band 1

  1. Alejandro Peña-Prieto Squire Patton Boggs Peña Prieto Gamundi22 Years Ranked
  2. Jaime M. Senior
    Jaime M. Senior Headrick Rizik Álvarez & Fernández9 Years Ranked
  3. Mary Fernández Rodríguez
    Mary Fernández Rodríguez Headrick Rizik Álvarez & Fernández21 Years Ranked
  4. Andrés Emilio Bobadilla FernándezBobadilla Abogados
  5. Luis R PelleranoPellerano Nadal Law & Consulting
  6. Práxedes Joaquín Castillo BáezCastillo y Castillo

Band 2

  1. Marisol Vicens Bello
    Marisol Vicens Bello Headrick Rizik Álvarez & Fernández20 Years Ranked
  2. Georges Santoni RecioRussin, Vecchi & Heredia Bonetti

Band 4

  1. Eileen Jiménez Cantisano
    Eileen Jiménez Cantisano Headrick Rizik Álvarez & Fernández7 Years Ranked
  2. Enrique De Marchena Kaluche
    Enrique De Marchena Kaluche DMK Abogados18 Years Ranked
  3. Monica Villafaña
    Monica Villafaña Ulises Cabrera10 Years Ranked
  4. Patricia Read Schott DMK Abogados4 Years Ranked
  5. Rhina M Martinez Brea Squire Patton Boggs Peña Prieto Gamundi8 Years Ranked
  6. Carolina LeónPellerano & Herrera
  7. Edward Piña FernándezBiaggi Abogados - Attorneys at Law
  8. Hipólito García CamineroOGC Abogados
  9. José Maldonado StarkRussin, Vecchi & Heredia Bonetti
  10. José Manuel Alburquerque PrietoAlburquerque Abogados – Consultores
  11. Katherine RosaJiménez Peña
  12. Pedro Troncoso LerouxTroncoso Leroux
  13. Rodolfo Mesa ChávezMesa Abogados

Band 5

  1. Carolina Silié Ruiz
    Carolina Silié Ruiz Headrick Rizik Álvarez & Fernández1 Years Ranked
  2. Heiddy Moronta Mejía
    Heiddy Moronta Mejía Ulises Cabrera1 Years Ranked
  3. Johanna C. Soto
    Johanna C. Soto Business Law Studio5 Years Ranked
  4. Emma MejíaPereyra & Asociados
  5. Gustavo Biaggi PumarolBiaggi Abogados - Attorneys at Law
  6. Néstor ContínMelo, Martinez & Contin Abogados
  7. Norman De CastroDR&R Abogados y Consultores Fiscales (De Castro, Rivas y Rodríguez)
  8. Paola Mañón TaverasDargam & Mañón
  9. Sara V. SicardRaful Sicard & Asociados
  10. Urania PaulinoPellerano Nadal Law & Consulting

Up and Coming

  1. Fernando Marranzini Headrick Rizik Álvarez & Fernández3 Years Ranked
  2. Nathalie Abreu Mejía
    Nathalie Abreu Mejía De Camps Vasquez & Valera2 Years Ranked
  3. Gina HernandezAlburquerque Abogados – Consultores
  4. Melissa SiliéMedina Garnes Abogados
  5. Paola MolinaGuzmán & Molina, Abogados
  6. Patricia ÁlvarezMedina Garnes Abogados

Associates to watch

  1. Naomi Rodríguez Manzueta Headrick Rizik Álvarez & Fernández3 Years Ranked
  2. Laura Fernandez-Peix PerezRussin, Vecchi & Heredia Bonetti
  3. Vera MartínezCastillo y Castillo

All Departments profiles


Band 1

  1. Headrick Rizik Álvarez & Fernández
    Headrick Rizik Álvarez & Fernández
    2025 | Band 1 | 20 Years Ranked

    Headrick Rizik Álvarez & Fernández is a distinguished multidisciplinary firm benefiting from a deep bench of talented practitioners who are well versed in a range of commercial matters. The team is routinely instructed by key domestic and international clients to advise on major M&A transactions and corporate finance mandates. The department boasts additional expertise assisting notable financial institutions with loan agreements and securities offerings.

  2. OMG
    2025 | Band 1 | 16 Years Ranked

    OMG is a powerhouse firm with a highly reputed corporate practice group. The team is routinely instructed by notable local and international clients to advise on key mergers, acquisitions and divestments. The department benefits from extensive experience structuring strategic foreign investments on behalf of asset management groups, dealing with investment agreements for shareholder buyouts. The firm is highly knowledgeable of corporate reorganisations, including advising on tax-efficient structures. OMG also offers additional capabilities in syndicated lending and securities transactions.

  3. Squire Patton Boggs Peña Prieto Gamundi
    Squire Patton Boggs Peña Prieto Gamundi
    2025 | Band 1 | 20 Years Ranked

    Squire Patton Boggs Peña Prieto Gamundi is a market-leading full-service firm with a stellar corporate practice. Its top-tier bench possesses noted experience advising international financial institutions on the structuring and renegotiation of loan agreements and significant securities offerings. The team is regularly called upon to assist with major corporate reorganisation mandates, including M&A transactions and capital restructuring. The department also boasts noteworthy exposure to the energy and natural resources space.


Band 2

  1. Castillo y Castillo
    2025 | Band 2
  2. Jiménez Peña
    2025 | Band 2
  3. Pellerano Nadal Law & Consulting
    2025 | Band 2
  4. Russin, Vecchi & Heredia Bonetti
    2025 | Band 2

Band 3

  1. Ulises Cabrera
    Ulises Cabrera
    2025 | Band 3 | 5 Years Ranked

    Ulises Cabrera's dynamic corporate and commercial practice is known for handling foreign investment mandates, M&A and corporate finance transactions. The team boasts additional prowess in assisting clients with commercial agreements, corporate structuring and restructuring, and tax matters. The firm is active in the life sciences, food and drink, and technology spheres.

  2. Medina Garnes Abogados
    2025 | Band 3
  3. Pellerano & Herrera
    2025 | Band 3
  4. Pereyra & Asociados
    2025 | Band 3
  5. Raful Sicard & Asociados
    2025 | Band 3

Band 4

  1. 4
    DMK Abogados
    2025 | Band 4 | 15 Years Ranked

    DMK Abogados is an experienced full-service firm known for representing clients from the hospitality, banking and healthcare industries. The team offers expertise in cross-border M&A transactions, franchise and distribution agreements, and tax matters. The department also frequently acts on international finance mandates.

  2. Alburquerque Abogados – Consultores
    2025 | Band 4
  3. Biaggi Abogados - Attorneys at Law
    2025 | Band 4
  4. Bobadilla Abogados
    2025 | Band 4
  5. ECIJA
    2025 | Band 4
  6. Guzmán Ariza
    2025 | Band 4
  7. JJ Roca & Asociados
    2025 | Band 4