UK Bar
Practice Areas
Julian specialises in all areas of revenue law and related areas of chancery and partnership law. He has over 20 years’ experience (including a tax PhD, and he was a tax partner in the City). He provides representation to clients (both individuals and businesses) in sectors such as property, intellectual property (including R&D), cryptocurrencies, finance and retail. He contributes to several major publications on tax disputes, intellectual property, regulation of tax advisers, VAT, entertainers and sports personalities. He also represents HMRC as a long standing member of the Attorney General's Panel. His practice is currently principally disputes-focused, dealing with challenging and significant tax appeals in all the specialist tax tribunals and courts: First-tier Tax Tribunal, Upper Tribunal, High Court (Administrative Court, Chancery Division), Court of Appeal. Recent cases of substantial legal importance decided in the Court of Appeal, where Julian led the team, were (i) Fanning v HMRC [2023] EWCA Civ 263 (lead appeal for over 40 cases concerning the effectiveness of property related tax planning); (ii) Mitchell v HMRC [2023] 2 WLR 1201 (a significant matter raising important points of principle on the extent to which a taxpayer can prevent HMRC voluntarily disclosing confidential documents).
Prior to joining the Bar Julian was a Partner at Berwin Leighton Paisner LLP, then Bird & Bird LLP.
Taxation of Intellectual Property (Bloomsbury Professional, 5th edition, 2024)
Practical Guide to Tax Disputes (Lexis Nexis, Tolley, 3rd edition, 2023)
Law and Regulation of Tax Professionals (Bloomsbury Professional, 1st edition, 2021)
Hobbies: Beekeeping and Sailing.