Ranked in 1 Practice Areas

Band 4

Banking & Finance

Taiwan Jurisdiction

3 Years Ranked

Ranked in Guides


Provided by Kunchou Tsai

Greater China Region

Practice Areas

Mr. Kunchou Tsai, Esq. has engaged in legal career for decades and specializes in FinTech, financial regulations, corporate finance, securities laws, international investment and arbitration. He received his law degrees from the top tier law schools of University College London and UC Berkeley.

Mr. Tsai has been appointed to the Panel of Arbitrators of the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC), the Shanghai International Arbitration Center (SHIAC), and the Japan Commercial Arbitration Association (JCAA). With compelling knowledge in FinTech and capital market, he actively participates in the Fintech ecosystem and often consults the transnational investment and financial projects.

Enlighten Law Group, founded and managed by Mr. Tsai, continuously receives recommendations of Legal 500 Asia-Pacific and Chambers & Partners in Banking and Finance practice.


蔡昆洲律師從事法律相關工作十多年,專長金融科技、金融監理、公司融資、證券交易、國際投資、商務仲裁等高端法律領域,曾留學英國倫敦大學學院及美國加州柏克萊大學等國際一流學府,近年尤其專注金融爭議案件之解決,例如TRF等複雜性高風險衍生性金融商品,亦協助律師公會及仲裁協會設計相關仲裁機制。蔡昆洲律師同時具有臺灣及中國大陸律師資格,自2017年獲選為中國國際經濟貿易仲裁委員會仲裁員,是極少數獲得任命的臺灣律師,對金融科技、區塊鏈有詳盡的認識,積極活躍於金融科技、區塊鏈生態系,並協助兩岸三地相關的跨境投資及金融業務,更於2020年受邀擔任知名新創加速器500 Global金融科技與法律領域的業師。

蔡昆洲律師所主持的尚澄法律事務所(Enlighten Law Group)已連續數年獲得Legal 500 Asia-Pacific及Chambers & Partners等國際律所評鑑機構獎項的殊榮,蔡律師本身也榮獲Chambers & Partners優秀律師的推薦。


Director, Taipei Bar Association (2019-2020)

Vice Chairperson of Financial and Economic Law Committee, Taiwan Bar Association (2015-2021)

Advisor, Hong Kong & Taiwan Securities Companies & Financial Groups

Acting General Counsel, Yuanta Commercial Bank

Partner/Deputy Director, Zoomlaw Attorneys-at-Law

Senior Associate, Guo Ju Law Firm

Senior Counsel, Financial Supervisory Commission, Department of Legal Affairs

Associate, Taipei Exchange (TPEx) Trading Department

Assistant Prosecutor, Ministry of Justice, District Prosecutor’s Office

Research Assistant, Science & Technology Law Institute of Institute for Information Industry

Professional Memberships

Taiwan Bar Admission

China Bar Exam Admission

Taiwan Patent Agent

Panel of Arbitrators, CIETAC, China

Panel of Arbitrators, SHIAC, China

Panel of Arbitrators, JCAA, Japan

Arbitrator & Financial Arbitrator, Chinese Arbitration Association, Taipei

Fellow of Charted Institute of Arbitrators Accelerated Route Training

HKSI Institute Specialist Certificates (Securities/Asset Management)

Qualified in the Taiwanese National Examination for Justiciary (2003) and Justiciary Training Program (Ministry of Justice, 2004) with Honor

Languages Spoken

Eloquent in Chinese (Mandarin & Taiwanese); fluent in English; fair in Japanese (JPLT Level 2)


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Taiwan Jurisdiction

Banking & Finance

Kunchou Tsai
Kunchou Tsai
Band 4