UK Bar
Practice Areas
Louis specialises in international arbitration and cross-border litigation with a particular emphasis on fraud and conflict of law issues. He acts as counsel before major international arbitral tribunals and also sits as arbitrator.
As a former solicitor (and solicitor advocate) Louis has conducted his own advocacy for over 35 years, and has been head of international arbitration at two major London law firms before arriving in Chambers in August 2024.
Louis took silk in 2018 (one of only a few international arbitration solicitor practitioners to achieve that distinction).
Since 2003, Louis has been the Consultant Editor of Robert Merkin’s Arbitration Law, and (since 2008) co-author of Merkin and Flannery on the Arbitration Act 1996 (he is currently working on the manuscript for the 7th edition, due for publication in 2025). Merkin and Flannery has been cited in more than 40 decisions on the Act since 2012, including most recently in Federal Government of Nigeria v Process and Industrial Development Ltd (Robin Knowles J).