Luciana Aguiar
Brazil Guide 2024
Band 6 : Tax: Litigation
Email address
[email protected]Contact number
11 98689-9556Share profile
Provided by Luciana Aguiar
Practice Areas
Luciana's professional performance is focused on tax advice, notably in the structuring and planning of business from the tax point of view and in the structuring of tax corporate governance elements.
She also has relevant knowledge of auditing standards, corporate and accounting legislation, regulation of a publicly-held company that facilitates the analysis of legal and accounting aspects related to the application of Law 6404/76 and complementary infralegal standards.
Luciana advises companies and investment fund managers in technical interactions with their regulator (CVM), preparation of formal responses and defense in administrative proceedings .
Graduated in Economics from PUCCAMP (1994).
Graduated in Law from Universidade Paulista (2001).
Graduated in Accounting from PUC-SP (2013).
Master in Tax Law from Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV) São Paulo.