Marko is a recognised international disputes specialist with a focus on complex international trade and energy related disputes work, earning "great praise for his trade and energy focused cross-border practice.” He regularly acts for some of the biggest names in the oil and gas, mining and metals and transportation sectors, handling complex and high value matters, including highly sensitive cases involving allegations of fraud or corruption, often with a white collar crime dimension. In addition, Marko has a well-established investor focused investment disputes practice.
Marko has extensive experience of both High Court litigation and international arbitration including ICSID, UNCITRAL, LCIA, and ICC as well as industry focused tribunals such as the LMAA, GAFTA, FOSFA and LME.
He also has extensive experience of enforcement actions in numerous jurisdictions including in Nigeria, South Africa, India, Singapore, China, Indonesia, the UAE, USA, Brazil, Kazakhstan, Switzerland, Sweden, Moldova, Romania, Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Macedonia.
Marko is fluent in Serbo-Croatian as well as being conversational in French and Arabic.