Practice Areas
Nicola Rushton KC has an established professional negligence practice which has recently been focused on claims against solicitors and accountants. Her work in the field arises from a variety of matters including fraud, insolvency and trusts.
Professional Memberships
Nicola is a member of the Chancery Bar Association, the Professional Negligence Bar Association and the Commercial Bar Association. She chairs the Equality and Diversity subcommittee of the Chancery Bar Association.
Nicola Rushton KC is Deputy Head of Chambers.
Nicola specialises in professional negligence and commercial claims, especially those with a property or finance dimension. Her areas of expertise include: professional negligence of surveyors, solicitors and accountants; lender claims and all issues connected with secured lending; all types of claim arising from commercial contracts; director and officer (D&O) claims; insolvency, individual and corporate; freezing orders, fraud, tracing and constructive trusts. She has a niche specialism in enforcement of legal aid regulations and legal aid costs.
Clients instruct Nicola because of her collaborative and practical approach to problems. She is engaging and robust and enjoys getting her teeth into complex commercial disputes. She is adept at dealing with numerical and financial data, and has a knack for making complicated issues or concepts easy for her clients and others to understand. She communicates clearly and has a keen awareness of commercial realities. She prides herself on being accessible, friendly and prompt with her advice.
Nicola also sits part-time as a Fee-paid Judge of the First-tier Tribunal (Property Chamber) in London.