
Provided by Roselyne Muyaga


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Roselyne Muyaga is the head of the Conveyancing, Real Estate, Banking and Finance Department at CFL Advocates.

Roselyne has over a decade of experience that spans across a wide range of sectors, such as general conveyancing, real estate, banking and finance.

Under her stewardship the Conveyancing, Real Estate and Banking department offers well refined and timely competitive solutions to its clientele, particularly individuals, private and public companies, government parastatals, major lenders in the country; macro and micro-finance institutions in navigating the intricate, ever-evolving world of real estate, banking and finance.

Moreover, she has an in-depth insight in corporate restructuring that covers both public and private companies. She exudes excellent judgment and is tenacious in providing the clients a detailed and practical analysis of the law. Roselyne understands both the legal and business scopes and works diligently to ensure timely, mutually beneficial and efficient outcomes for all clients.

Her stellar performance, willingness to impart knowledge and a keen eye for talent has led the Conveyancing, Real Estate Banking and Finance department grow to a level that has allowed each of the team members to give top-notch services to our clients in a timely manner.

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