- Article: Inadequate Handling of Damages in International Arbitration
Journal: IBA Dispute Resolution International Journal, May 2023
- Article: Singapore Court of Appeal Propounds Composite Approach to Determine Arbitrability of Disputes, A Tale of Matrimonial Discord Among Shareholders:
Legal Update CaseWatch March 2023
- Interview: Voices of Women in the Industry Series:
Singapore Law Gazette December 2022
- Article: Managing Internal and External Insolvency: A Checklist for In-House Counsel:
Singapore Law Watch, 12 August 2022
- Article: Insolvency, Restructuring and Dissolution Act – Key Changes from the Financiers’ Perspective:
Singapore Law Watch, 2 March 2021
- Article: Roll Up Rescue Financing in Singapore: Giving old debt senior priority
Journal: Butterworths Journal of International Banking and Financial Law, March 2021
- Article: Out-of-Court Insolvency Relief for Distressed Companies: SID Directors Bulletin published by the Singapore Institute of Directors:
2021 1st Quarter Report
- Article: Joinder and Consolidation Provisions under 2021 ICC Arbitration Rules: Enhancing Efficiency and Flexibility for Resolving Complex Disputes:
Kluwer Arbitration Blog January 2021
- Article: International Insolvency & Restructuring Report 2020/21
- Article: Confidentiality in International Arbitration: A Comparative Jurisdictional and Institutional Review (co-authored with Nicholas Lingard)
Journal: Singapore Arbitration Journal (SIArbJ), May 2020
- Article: lpso facto protection: As dead as the language and rightfully so?
Journal: Butterworths Journal of International Banking and Financial Law, June 2019
- Article: Super Priority in Rescue Financing—Lifeline or Lasso?
Journal: Butterworths Journal of International Banking and Financial Law
- Article: Navigating Singapore's restructured restructuring and insolvency framework
Journal: South Square Digest
- Article: Singapore: A Restructuring Entrepôt
Journal: Emerging Markets Restructuring Journal
- Article: Exploring the issues of bankruptcy (Re Opti-Medix Ltd (in liquidation) and another matter)
Journal: LexisNexis
- Article: Indonesia: Arbitrating with Foreign Parties – A Closer Look at Indonesia's Approach to Investor-State Dispute Resolution
Journal: Asian Dispute Review
- Article: Singapore High Court affirms that a party may obtain restraint orders ahead of any application for the calling of a creditors' meeting for the purposes of putting a company under a scheme of arrangement
Journal: Lexology
- Article: India-Singapore CECA, Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement, The Investor's Guide
Journal: LexisNexis
- Article: LawNet Asian Insights: Preparing for Company Winding up the role that in-house counsel plays
Journal: LawNet
- Article: Practical Guidance Singapore – Dispute Resolution
Journal: LexisNexis
- Article: Practical Guidance Commercial Module: Financial Distress, Bankruptcy and Insolvency
Journal: LexisNexis
- Singapore Precedents of Pleading