Chambers Review
Provided by Chambers
Chambers Greater China Region
Intellectual Property: Litigation (PRC Firms) - China
Individual Editorial
Ma Yuan is the founding partner of Beijing Lingshi Law Firm. She regularly represents large domestic tech companies in complex SEP matters. She is also active in initiating invalidation proceedings and negotiating licence agreements for NPEs.
Ma is smart, good at strategy and at handling the other side.
Ma has a lot of experience handling SEP licensing, litigation and even standardisation processes.
马原律师是北京市领识律师事务所的创始合伙人。她经常代表国内大型科技公司处理复杂的 SEP 事务。她还积极参与启动无效程序和 NPE 许可协议谈判。
马律师在处理 SEP 许可、诉讼甚至标准化流程方面均拥有丰富经验。