Chambers Review
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Up and Coming
Provided by Zhijian Ge
Power and Energy Project Development and Construction
Investment and M&A of Renewable Energy Projects
Research on Policies and Regulations of Power Sales Reform
Expert in Energy Regulation Expert Database of National Energy Administration.
Deputy Director of Yangtze River Energy Committee.
Specially Appointed Expert at Electric Power Industry Expert Think Tank of North China Electric Power University.
Specially Appointed Professor at Environmental Resources and Energy Law Research Center of Zhejiang University.
Advanced Individual in the "Fifth Five-Year" Law Popularization Campaign
the Ministry of Justice
Advanced Individual in Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction during the "Eleventh Five-Year Plan"
Shanghai Municipal Government
Ge Zhijian has previously served at the East China Regulatory Bureau of the State Electricity Regulatory Commission and the East China Regulatory Bureau of the National Energy Administration. He has long been engaged in providing legal services for the development and investment of new energy projects, specializing in new energy acquisitions and mergers and reorganizations, handling equity disputes in new energy projects, and resolving construction contract disputes for new energy projects.
As one of the earliest lawyers in China to engage in photovoltaic and wind power investment and mergers, he has served new energy projects with a total installed capacity exceeding 100GW to date. The project types he has been involved in mainly include centralized wind and photovoltaic projects, distributed photovoltaic and decentralized wind projects, and charging pile projects. He has long focused on and engaged in business related to power reform, with rich practical experience in gas turbine power generation projects, cogeneration projects, power market trading projects, investment in incremental distribution networks, investment and mergers of existing distribution networks, investment in big data centers and cloud computing projects, and dispute resolution for electricity sales companies.
Ge Zhijian has participated in the revision of the "Power Supply Supervision Measures" by the National Energy Administration, the research on power sales end reform and the cultivation of multiple entities in electricity sales for the National Energy Administration, the amendment and research project of the "Electric Power Law" for the National Energy Administration, the credit evaluation system construction project for power market entities by the Southern Regulatory Bureau of the National Energy Administration, and the research on power sales side reform and supervision by the East China Regulatory Bureau of the National Energy Administration, among other projects and research topics.
Provided by Chambers
Provided by Chambers
Zhijian has a solid grasp of the legal issues surrounding various energy industry policies. His insights go beyond just a literal interpretation of the law.
Zhijian has a solid grasp of the legal issues surrounding various energy industry policies. His insights go beyond just a literal interpretation of the law.
Provided by Sunshine Law Firm
Energy and Utilities
Government and Public Sector
Business and Professional Services
Resources and Mining