Practice Areas
David is Cirio’s Managing Partner. Among other things, he has extensive experience of drafting and negotiating IT agreements, including outsourcing, cloud computing, software development and similar contracts. He is also an expert in data privacy and information security.
David is responsible for Vested and relational contracting at Cirio. He is a Certified Deal Architect in Vested and a lecturer in Collaborative Contracting at the University of Tennessee.
Co-author of ”Contracting in the New Economy – Using Relational Contracts to Boos Trust and Collaboration in Strategic Business Relationships” (Palgrave Macmillan 2021)
Co-author of “A new approach to contracts” (Harvard Business Review 2019)
Co-author of “GDPR – juridik, organisation och säkerhet enligt dataskyddsförordningen” (Norstedts Juridik 2018)
Author of “What's In It For We - Inköp, outsourcing och strategiska partnerskap med Vested” (Liber 2015)
Co-author of “Molntjänster – juridik, affär och säkerhet” (Norstedts Juridik 2013)
Co-author of ”Getting to We – negotiating agreements for highly collaborative relationships” (Palgrave Macmillan 2013)
Author to “Det affärsjuridiska hantverket – arbetet innanför avtalsfrihetens gränser” (Norstedts Juridik 2012)