Kane Loxley
Asia-Pacific Guide 2025
Band 1 : Dispute Resolution: The Bar
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Band 1
Provided by Kane Loxley
Practice Areas
Kane Loxley practises in commercial litigation.
Kane has substantial experience across all aspects of commercial litigation, with a particular focus on class action, regulatory, corporations and securities, and equity proceedings.
He has appeared for and against leading corporations and government at trial and on appeal (including in the High Court of Australia).
He regularly acts for and advises large ASX companies, including each of the major Australian retail banks, BHP, Qantas, Crown, Newcrest, Brambles, James Hardie, Ansell and IAG. He has defended representative proceedings on behalf of PwC, Deloitte and KPMG. He has also been briefed in a number of Royal Commissions and public inquiries.
Liability limited by a scheme approved under the Professional Standards Legislation
Chambers Review
Kane Loxley practises across a wide gamut of commercial issues, with particular prominence in shareholder class actions and significant regulatory disputes.
Provided by Chambers
"Kane is a class act across all areas."
"Kane is very measured and forthright."
"Kane is absolutely, outstandingly bright. He is great drafter of submissions and excellent on his feet."
"Kane is a class act across all areas."
"Kane is very measured and forthright."
"Kane is absolutely, outstandingly bright. He is great drafter of submissions and excellent on his feet."