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Band 2
Band 4
Provided by Nicholas De Young KC
Practice Areas
Nick De Young KC practises in all aspects of commercial litigation.
Nick has particular expertise in the areas of competition and consumer law, corporations and securities and class actions.
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards legislation
Professional Memberships
Victorian Bar - Commercial Bar Association
Chambers Review
Nicholas De Young KC is active in a variety of spheres, including those of competition, professional negligence and trade practices, but stands out particularly for his handling of regulatory and corporations law issues.
Nicholas De Young KC is active in a variety of spheres, including those of competition, professional negligence and trade practices, but stands out particularly for his handling of regulatory and corporations law issues.
Provided by Chambers
"Nick De Young is an excellent strategist."
"He is a thoughtful, well-prepared and pretty dynamic barrister."
"Nick De Young is an excellent strategist."
"He is a thoughtful, well-prepared and pretty dynamic barrister."