Marcus Fleming
Asia-Pacific Guide 2025
Band 2 : Intellectual Property: The Bar
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Band 2
Provided by Marcus Fleming
Practice Areas
Marcus Fleming practises in commercial litigation, with a particular focus on intellectual property law.
Marcus has experience in intellectual property litigation in relation to patent revocation and infringement proceedings (including interlocutory injunction and special leave applications), copyright infringement proceedings, trade mark infringement proceedings (including related consumer protection law) and non-use applications and oppositions.
Marcus also has extensive experience in proceedings concerning a claim for compensation on an undertaking as to damages in the Federal Court of Australia (in the context of pharmaceutical patent revocation proceedings). Marcus also has experience in licensing, branding and advertising law, and food law.
Prior to joining the Bar, Marcus was a Senior Associate at Ashurst Australia (formerly Blake Dawson) in the intellectual property group.
Liability limited by a Scheme approved under the Professional Standards Legislation
Professional Memberships
Victorian Bar - Commercial Bar Association
Chambers Review
Marcus Fleming focuses his practice on litigation in the intellectual property area, offering experience of infringement-related mandates in the copyright, patent and trade mark spheres and of patent revocation proceedings.
Provided by Chambers
"Marcus is very knowledgeable about IP law and pleasant to work with."
"Marcus Fleming is very good on his feet with a nice style and is easy to work with."
"Marcus is very knowledgeable about IP law and pleasant to work with."
"Marcus Fleming is very good on his feet with a nice style and is easy to work with."