Chambers Review
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Band 2
Provided by Olivier Vrins
Olivier Vrins heads the anti-counterfeiting and IPR enforcement practice, and mainly deals with trademark, patent, design and copyright litigation. Described as a “highly skilled IP specialist” (Chambers&Partners) and as “one of the best in Europe in the Customs field” (Managing Intellectual Property), Olivier has extensive knowledge of the border measures system in the European Union and has gained expertise in a broad range of other IPR-related topics. He also specialises in the field of designations of origin and geographical indications, as well as in the protection of personality rights of public figures, including sportsmen.
Member of the ‘Legal & International’ Working Group of the European Observatory on Infringements of Intellectual Property Rights
Member of the International Trade Mark Association (INTA)
Chair of the Anti-Counterfeiting Committee of the European Communities Trade Mark Association (ECTA), also member of its Geographical Committee
Member of the International Wine Law Association (AIDV)
Co-editor of the authoritative book Enforcement of IPRs through Border measures. Law and Practice in the EU (Oxford University Press, 2nd ed. 2012).
Regulation (EU) No 608/2013 of 12 June 2013 Concerning Customs Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights and Repealing Regulation 1383/2003, International Encyclopedia of Law, 2017.
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Provided by Chambers
4 items provided by ALTIUS
Reform of the artist status: The issues at stake for the Commission du Travail des Arts
The new "arts work certificate" offers better social protection for artists and support staff. It recognises diverse roles, reduces precariousness, and simplifies admin. From January 2024, artists can apply via a digital platform, gaining employee status and legal certainty.
The authors of Ravel’s Boléro: Towards a revival of copyright in the Basque composer’s masterpiece?
Ravel’s most famous score officially became free of rights on 1 May 2016. However, the civil court of Nanterre might soon decide that it is to return to the private domain.
Belgium’s Harmonic Discord on related rights
For the first time, the CJEU has been asked to clarify the temporal applicability of the right to “appropriate and proportionate remuneration” laid down in Article 18 of Directive (EU) 2019/790 on copyright and related rights in the Digital Single Market (“DSM Directive”).
Trademark protection in Web 3.0: Lessons from the Hermès vs. Metabirkins case
On 8 February 2023, a New York jury delivered its long-awaited verdict in a case brought by the French luxury brand Hermès, against the artist Mason Rothschild.
Reform of the artist status: The issues at stake for the Commission du Travail des Arts
The new "arts work certificate" offers better social protection for artists and support staff. It recognises diverse roles, reduces precariousness, and simplifies admin. From January 2024, artists can apply via a digital platform, gaining employee status and legal certainty.
The authors of Ravel’s Boléro: Towards a revival of copyright in the Basque composer’s masterpiece?
Ravel’s most famous score officially became free of rights on 1 May 2016. However, the civil court of Nanterre might soon decide that it is to return to the private domain.
Belgium’s Harmonic Discord on related rights
For the first time, the CJEU has been asked to clarify the temporal applicability of the right to “appropriate and proportionate remuneration” laid down in Article 18 of Directive (EU) 2019/790 on copyright and related rights in the Digital Single Market (“DSM Directive”).
Trademark protection in Web 3.0: Lessons from the Hermès vs. Metabirkins case
On 8 February 2023, a New York jury delivered its long-awaited verdict in a case brought by the French luxury brand Hermès, against the artist Mason Rothschild.