Pedro continues to be engaged by important players in the market and is a reference in real estate for his clients and the team, who count on his 4 decades of experience. As a former member of the Board of Trustees of the Unemployment Guarantee Investment Fund of Brazil (FGTS), he always played a remarkable role in the development of the real estate industry, including from a legislative perspective. He was part of the team who drafted several different Federal, State and Municipal Laws, as a technical consultant. He was also a member of the Real Estate Registry Officers Technical Group, which convenes real estate registrars for discussions concerning the rules of the registry offices in the state of São Paulo. He led an administrative proceeding adjudicated by 7 Justices of the Superior Council of Magistrates Judges of the State of São Paulo Court resulting in the amendment of the standards on conventional urban planning restrictions in the state of São Paulo and becoming a landmark case. He plays an active role as a consultant on the legislative process with respect to Federal Law No. 13,465/17 which introduced in the Brazilian legal system several new rights with respect to real estate and urban development and other Municipal laws. He is a founding member of the MDDI, which convenes real estate lawyers (from a variety of law firms and real estate companies) for discussions concerning real estate matters. He is an active consultant and member of the board of legal affairs from SECOVI, the real estate developers syndicate.
Professional Memberships
Bar Admission: Brazil, (São Paulo, 1970); Member of the SECOVI-SP; Founding member of the MDDI (Mesa de Debates de Direito Imobiliário).