UK Bar
Practice Areas
Barrister specialising in employment and discrimination law (all aspects). Acts for employers and employees. Appears in Tribunals and Higher Courts in whole of UK including Scotland and Northern Ireland. Cases include Post Office v Foley; Beedell v West Ferry Printers (both test for unfair dismissal); Martyres v Connex (collective agreements); W v HMG (disability/national security - MI6 employee); Bentwood v Shepherd (Calculation of Quantum in discrimination), G v H (Disability Discrimination - Quantum over £1m), Symes v Eaton-Williams (Discrimination - lifetime loss), Rule v University of Arts (technicalities of uplift for failure to follow procedures), Short v Land Rover (interaction of DDA responsibilities and union collective agreements), Beavan v Cabinet Office (whether pay progression in Civil Service contractual), Pietzka v Price Waterhouse (Reverse discrimination: sex, flexible and part-time working request discrimination by male employee), Hartley v Foreign and Commonwealth Office (discriminatory dismissal of an Engineer with Aspergers), Adams v Dudley NHS Trust (failure to make adequate provision for wheelchair bound employee), A V Telford NHS Trust (transgender patient, DPA and discrimination rights). B v N (access to sports changing facilities by transgender user).
Called 1995, Gray's Inn.
Professional Memberships
Regular CPD lectures on discrimination and other employment topics. Speaks particularly regularly on transgender issues following her own transition from male to female in 2011.
Sexey's School Bruton; Imperial College, London (1986 BSc Hons Chemistry); Manager in transport industry 1986-91; Exeter (1994 LLB Hons). Lives in Somerset. Hobbies: house renovation, long-distance walking and classic car restoration.