Ranking tables
Dispute Resolution: Rio de Janeiro | Brazil: Regions
Rankings overview for Departments
Band 1
Band 2
Band 3
Band 4
Band 5
- Braz, Coelho, Veras, Lessa e Bueno Advogados 1 Years Ranked
- Campos Mello Advogados in cooperation with DLA Piper 3 Years Ranked
- Cescon, Barrieu, Flesch & Barreto Advogados 2 Years Ranked
- Dickstein Advogados 2 Years Ranked
- Maneira Advogados 3 Years Ranked
- Vieira Rezende 3 Years Ranked
- LDCM Advogados
- SBS Advogados
Band 1
- Fabiano Robalinho Cavalcanti Bermudes Advogados15 Years Ranked
- José Roberto de Castro Neves Ferro, Castro Neves, Daltro & Gomide Advogados16 Years Ranked
- Marcelo Roberto Ferro Ferro, Castro Neves, Daltro & Gomide Advogados17 Years Ranked
- Marcio Vieira Souto Costa Ferreira Bermudes Advogados17 Years Ranked
- Sergio Bermudes Bermudes Advogados17 Years Ranked
Band 2
- André Chateaubriand Martins Mattos Filho11 Years Ranked
- Caetano Berenguer Bermudes Advogados8 Years Ranked
- Flávio Spaccaquerche Barbosa Mattos Filho8 Years Ranked
- Gustavo Binenbojm GBA - Gustavo Binenbojm & Associados3 Years Ranked
- Joaquim de Paiva Muniz Trench Rossi Watanabe17 Years Ranked
- Marcelo Carpenter Bermudes Advogados3 Years Ranked
Band 3
- Andrea Brick Trench Rossi Watanabe6 Years Ranked
- Carmen Tiburcio Barroso Fontelles, Barcellos, Mendonça & Associados3 Years Ranked
- Gisela Ferreira Mation Machado Meyer4 Years Ranked
- Guilherme Valdetaro Mathias Bermudes Advogados15 Years Ranked
- Gustavo da Rocha Schmidt Schmidt Lourenço Kingston Advogados3 Years Ranked
- Gustavo Tepedino Gustavo Tepedino Advogados16 Years Ranked
- Luiz Fernando Fraga BMA – Barbosa, Müssnich, Aragão13 Years Ranked
- Pedro Oliveira da Costa BMA – Barbosa, Müssnich, Aragão5 Years Ranked
- Rafael Barroso Fontelles Barroso Fontelles, Barcellos, Mendonça & Associados3 Years Ranked
- Sergio Mannheimer Mannheimer, Perez e Lyra Advogados17 Years Ranked
- Vinicius Pereira Machado Meyer3 Years Ranked
- Marcelo GandelmanGandelman & Costa Dias Advogados
Band 4
- Ana Paula de Barcellos Barroso Fontelles, Barcellos, Mendonça & Associados3 Years Ranked
- Bruno Carriello Bocater, Camargo, Costa e Silva, Rodrigues Advogados Associados3 Years Ranked
- Daniel Coelho Fux Advogados8 Years Ranked
- Marcela Levy Mannheimer, Perez e Lyra Advogados6 Years Ranked
- Marcela Maffei Quadra Travassos Fux Advogados3 Years Ranked
- Natalia Lamas Ferro, Castro Neves, Daltro & Gomide Advogados3 Years Ranked
- Ricardo Gama Veirano Advogados3 Years Ranked
- Ricardo Junqueira Mattos Filho2 Years Ranked
- Rodrigo Fux Fux Advogados3 Years Ranked
- Antonio Cesar SiqueiraSBS Advogados
Band 5
- André Cyrino GBA - Gustavo Binenbojm & Associados3 Years Ranked
- Antônio Pedro Garcia de Souza Ferro, Castro Neves, Daltro & Gomide Advogados3 Years Ranked
- Cinthia Achao de Lamare Cescon, Barrieu, Flesch & Barreto Advogados3 Years Ranked
- Luis Cláudio Furtado Faria Pinheiro Neto Advogados3 Years Ranked
- Marcelo Dickstein Dickstein Advogados4 Years Ranked
- Leonardo de Campos MeloLDCM Advogados
Up and Coming
- Alice Voronoff GBA - Gustavo Binenbojm & Associados2 Years Ranked
- Guilherme Barros Fux Advogados3 Years Ranked
- Iara Conrado Ferreira BMA – Barbosa, Müssnich, Aragão3 Years Ranked
- João Marçal Rodrigues Martins da Silva COSRO2 Years Ranked
- Leonardo Platais Brasil Teixeira Ciari Moreira Advogados3 Years Ranked
- Lucas Hermeto Vieira Rezende2 Years Ranked
- Lucas Mayall Maneira Advogados3 Years Ranked
- Michel Grumach Schmidt Lourenço Kingston Advogados2 Years Ranked
- Bruno Barreto de A. TeixeiraLDCM Advogados
All Departments profiles
Band 1
1 Bermudes AdvogadosDispute Resolution: Rio de Janeiro2024 | Band 1 | 3 Years RankedBermudes Advogados is a nationwide litigation powerhouse headquartered in Rio de Janeiro. The firm maintains a top-notch dispute resolution offering and is widely regarded as a combative force acting for high-profile clients in some of their most sensitive cases.
1 Ferro, Castro Neves, Daltro & Gomide AdvogadosDispute Resolution: Rio de Janeiro2024 | Band 1 | 3 Years RankedRio de Janeiro-based Ferro, Castro Neves, Daltro & Gomide Advogados is a dispute resolution heavyweight with nationwide reach. It frequently handles some of the biggest high-stakes disputes in the country, representing blue-chip clients. The team is noted for its know-how in both arbitration and litigation.
Band 2
2 BMA – Barbosa, Müssnich, AragãoDispute Resolution: Rio de Janeiro2024 | Band 2 | 3 Years RankedBMA – Barbosa, Müssnich, Aragão is a full-service titan traditionally based in Rio de Janeiro, where it continues to house some of its most prominent talent. The firm acts on high-end corporate disputes, including highly sensitive litigation and arbitration cases and maintains a formidable track record of wins for top Rio-based clients.
2 GBA - Gustavo Binenbojm & AssociadosDispute Resolution: Rio de Janeiro2024 | Band 2 | 3 Years RankedGBA - Gustavo Binenbojm & Associados is a highly respected Rio-based firm specialising in public law. The firm is known for representing important clients in highly relevant public law disputes.2 Mannheimer, Perez e Lyra AdvogadosDispute Resolution: Rio de Janeiro2024 | Band 2 | 3 Years RankedMannheimer, Perez e Lyra Advogados is a high-end disputes firm based in Rio. The team is particularly noted for its track record in arbitration matters.2 Mattos FilhoDispute Resolution: Rio de Janeiro2024 | Band 2 | 3 Years RankedOne of the most respected law firms in the country, Mattos Filho maintains a high-end dispute resolution offering in its robust Rio de Janeiro office. The team has an enviable client roster and has been trusted with highly sensitive disputes requiring high-level specialisation in a wide range of matters, including environmental law and oil and gas regulation.2 Trench Rossi WatanabeDispute Resolution: Rio de Janeiro2024 | Band 2 | 3 Years RankedTrench Rossi Watanabe is a highly regarded full-service law firm based in São Paulo but with a strong dispute resolution practice in Rio de Janeiro. The team is known for representing relevant clients in the energy industry.
Band 3
3 Barroso Fontelles, Barcellos, Mendonça & AssociadosDispute Resolution: Rio de Janeiro2024 | Band 3 | 3 Years RankedBarroso Fontelles, Barcellos, Mendonça & Associados is a highly regarded litigation firm in Rio de Janeiro. The firm represents important clients in the technology, entertainment and banking industries, with particular expertise before the higher courts.
3 Fux AdvogadosDispute Resolution: Rio de Janeiro2024 | Band 3 | 3 Years RankedFux Advogados is a highly regarded Rio-based firm exclusively focused on dispute resolution. It represents important clients in a variety of industries, such as energy, finance and infrastructure.3 Machado, Meyer, Sendacz e OpiceDispute Resolution: Rio de Janeiro2024 | Band 3 | 3 Years RankedAmong the most well-regarded firms in Brazil, Machado, Meyer, Sendacz e Opice maintains a solid dispute resolution department in Rio de Janeiro. The team represents clients in various types of business disputes before courts, administrative authorities and regulatory agencies.3 Pinheiro Neto AdvogadosDispute Resolution: Rio de Janeiro2024 | Band 3 | 3 Years RankedOne of the most well-established firms in Brazil, Pinheiro Neto Advogados maintains a strong dispute resolution practice in Rio de Janeiro. The firm represents high-level clients from a wide range of industries, such as mining and infrastructure, in high-value disputes.3 Veirano AdvogadosDispute Resolution: Rio de Janeiro2024 | Band 3 | 3 Years RankedRio de Janeiro-based Veirano Advogados is a full-service law firm that sponsors sophisticated disputes across Brazil. The firm represents important clients from a wide range of industries, such as telecommunications, energy and tobacco, in high-value arbitration and litigation.
Band 4
4 Bocater, Camargo, Costa e Silva, Rodrigues Advogados AssociadosDispute Resolution: Rio de Janeiro2024 | Band 4 | 3 Years RankedBocater, Camargo, Costa e Silva, Rodrigues Advogados Associados is a respected firm in Rio de Janeiro with an experienced dispute resolution department. The team handles disputes in the fields of corporate, capital markets, civil, tax and labour law, in addition to handling arbitration and litigation in administrative proceedings.4 Gustavo Tepedino AdvogadosDispute Resolution: Rio de Janeiro2024 | Band 4 | 2 Years RankedGustavo Tepedino Advogados is a prestigious boutique law firm from Rio de Janeiro. Its team focuses on dispute resolution issues for high-profile companies, including sophisticated litigation and arbitration mandates.4 Schmidt Lourenço Kingston AdvogadosDispute Resolution: Rio de Janeiro2024 | Band 4 | 3 Years RankedSchmidt Lourenço Kingston Advogados is a well-recognised Rio de Janeiro-based law firm. It provides personal, cost-efficient, and creative advice on a wide range of disputes to national and international clients from several business segments.
Band 5
5 Braz, Coelho, Veras, Lessa e Bueno AdvogadosDispute Resolution: Rio de Janeiro2024 | Band 5 | 1 Years RankedBraz, Coelho, Veras, Lessa e Bueno Advogados is ranked this year after attaining the endorsements of clients who attest to the firm's capabilities in dispute resolution mandates, particularly those involving environmental matters, including administrative procedures. The firm is able to act before the Superior Court of Justice and also on arbitration issues. Its team is familiar with clients from the energy sector.
5 Campos Mello Advogados in cooperation with DLA PiperDispute Resolution: Rio de Janeiro2024 | Band 5 | 3 Years RankedCampos Mello Advogados is a Rio de Janeiro-based firm with a nationwide presence. The firm is known for representing high-level clients from industries such as finance, energy and pharmaceuticals in strategic disputes.5 Cescon, Barrieu, Flesch & Barreto AdvogadosDispute Resolution: Rio de Janeiro2024 | Band 5 | 2 Years RankedCescon, Barrieu, Flesch & Barreto Advogados has a noteworthy dispute resolution practice in its Rio de Janeiro branch. The firm assists clients with various litigation mandates and also provides arbitration advice.5 Dickstein AdvogadosDispute Resolution: Rio de Janeiro2024 | Band 5 | 2 Years RankedDickstein Advogados is a boutique firm based in Rio de Janeiro that focuses on dispute resolution matters. Clients appreciate the team’s ability to represent them in a variety of litigation and arbitration issues.
5 Maneira AdvogadosDispute Resolution: Rio de Janeiro2024 | Band 5 | 3 Years RankedManeira Advogados is a law firm based in Rio de Janeiro with a relevant dispute resolution practice. They represent clients in administrative, judicial and arbitration claims, as well as in alternative forms of dispute resolution, such as mediation and conciliation.5 Vieira RezendeDispute Resolution: Rio de Janeiro2024 | Band 5 | 3 Years RankedVieira Rezende is a respected full-service law firm headquartered in Rio de Janeiro. The firm represents companies, investment funds, shareholders and other individuals affected by investigations.