Ranking tables

Family: Children | UK Bar

Midlands (Bar)

This section encompasses the handling of matters relating to children in the context of both public and private law. These include matters of proper care provision for vulnerable children, as well as cases of abduction, non-accidental injury and abuse.

Rankings overview for Sets

All Sets profiles

Band 1
  1. 3PB Barristers
    3PB Barristers
    Family: Children
    2024 | Band 1 | 4 Years Ranked
    Birmingham-based 3PB Barristers is a well-regarded set with a formidable reputation in matrimonial finance and children cases, encompassing both public and private mandates. Its members act for private individuals and local authorities in children matters concerning non-accidental injuries, sexual abuse, religious indoctrination, parental alienation and placement orders. Practitioners offer expertise in a range of matrimonial finance mandates, including financial remedies featuring complex portfolios and cross-border assets. One source says of the set that "the Barristers at 3PB are a formidable bunch, they are extremely strong and able to grasp complex issues quickly. They are able to deal with any issues in a sophisticated and compassionate manner."
  2. No5 Barristers' Chambers
    No5 Barristers' Chambers
    Family: Children
    2024 | Band 1 | 4 Years Ranked
    No5 Barristers' Chambers, based in Birmingham, is a leading set for family matters. Its practitioners offer expertise across the full spectrum of matrimonial finance and children mandates. The advocates handle both private and public children matters, such as abduction and relocation, in addition to sensitive mandates concerning non-accidental injuries, sexual abuse and fabricated illnesses. The set's matrimonial finance expertise encompasses financial remedy matters featuring inherited wealth disputes, estoppels, complex pensions and corporate interests. The barristers regularly take on multi-jurisdictional as well as domestic mandates. A source comments: "No5 have an exceptionally strong and knowledgeable set of family barristers."
  3. St Ives Chambers
    St Ives Chambers
    Family: Children
    2024 | Band 1 | 4 Years Ranked
    St Ives Chambers is a well-established and highly regarded family set. Its expansive bench offers expertise across the full range of matrimonial finance and children cases. Its barristers act for parents, children and local authorities in both public and private children matters, from complex adoption and placement matters involving asylum seekers, to sensitive issues concerning sexual abuse and non-accidental injuries. Members handle an array of matrimonial finance matters, including prenuptial agreements in addition to financial remedy cases featuring complex asset structures, pensions and maintenance orders. A source reports: "I can always rely on expert advice from St Ives. They are up to date on all changes in the law and provide sound advice."
  4. St Philips Chambers
    St Philips Chambers
    Family: Children
    2024 | Band 1 | 4 Years Ranked
    St Philips Chambers is a well-established set for matters concerning children and matrimonial finance in the Midlands. It boasts a strong portfolio of barristers whose expertise is valued by private individuals, parents, children and local authorities. Practitioners are regularly instructed to act in the most serious public children cases, including non-accidental injuries, sexual abuse and child deaths, as well as private matters concerning cross-border abductions, placements and parental alienation. The set has a breadth of experience representing high net worth clients in financial remedies involving non-disclosure of assets, pensions and trusts. A source comments: "St Philips Chambers are a leading set in the Midlands. Its experience and expertise is far-reaching and it has a huge amount of counsel it can offer, all of which have exceptional leading knowledge."
Band 2
  1. St Mary's Chambers
    Family: Children
    2024 | Band 2
Band 3
  1. KCH Garden Square
    KCH Garden Square
    Family: Children
    2024 | Band 3 | 1 Years Ranked
    KCH Garden Square is a well-established and highly regarded set for the full spectrum of family law matters. The Nottingham-based set has a wealth of experience in children law cases, with capacity to act on public and private children matters of a highly sensitive nature including sexual abuse, non-accidental injuries, placement and care proceedings. One source says: "They have a very strong team of forensic and analytical counsel who have demonstrated their skill in dissecting complex matters."